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The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 8

Moreover, if it is clear that consciousness, including self-consciousness – the basis of human activity and life of the human body, then the human body plays a subordinate role. Without consciousness acting body turns into a useless pile of muscles and bones, as the computer without the acting programs – into a pile of metal. And in the moment of death exactly consciousness gives the command to the body to stop functioning, and not the body spontaneously stops functioning.

Therefore, the body is only the carrier, and the person as a whole is only the tool of consciousness.

Further, if at the basis of beingness, known to us, is laid the hologram which is the high-frequency formation, then the person as well as any live organism can be presented in the form of some kind of television receiver which by means of own sense organs and the processing centers of information forms the environment surrounding him of the arriving the discrete packages of information (own time) within the frames of the general time for all localized living beings in this time, which is formed not by individual consciousness, but single consciousness, inasmuch in hologram any her part and whole are inseparable. In other words, all living beings including people, in the holographic basis are a single whole, divided, nevertheless, in beingness: each individual consciousness through own carrier forms own time (now), while all set of the living beings forms general time of all living beings, which as if covers own time of each living being.

Thus, the person, as and any receiver of the information coded impulses, convert them to the image, in this case – in 3D– mage, part of which is human being itself [2. Ch. 2.3].

In addition, the effect of the programs embedded in the human genome, and being formed the environment (current time or now), is not comprehended by the individual, separated unilaterally from single consciousness, but associated, however, with single consciousness on the other side, i.e. combining in this holographic basis of beingness of all living beings. But still, of all the creatures only the person can partly manage own time thanks to the fact that only he has the targeted programs of self-consciousness, which give him the opportunity to rise above the environment, to separate himself from it partly, and with this or that success consciously to change this environment as a result of both individual, and group actions, changing himself in this interaction with the environment, i.e. gradually changing own consciousness, saturating it with new impressions, results of the occurred collisions, creative and cultural achievements, as well as sensing the consequences of falls and wrong actions [2. Ch. 2.10; 2.11; 3].

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