The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 10
It must be assumed that first of all this being has to be able to transform consciously the world around for the purposes which can be not only pragmatic.
For this purpose, this being should seek various means to overcome resistance of this environment, dependence on it. The main means in this case are those features of mind and a structure of an organism which or are absent at other living beings, or are at them in embryo, i.e. they are practically not used as superfluous.
The greatest progress in activities of this being is achieved generally not as a product of its personal qualities, such as sharpness of mind, resourcefulness, retentive memory, ingenuity, force, etc., but as a result of accumulating and use of information of many generations in all its possible types, but, most effectively, – in written. With growth of volume of information sources are being expanded possibilities of specialization, training, that by itself even more promotes to the achievements in a labor activity, which in turn gives additional opportunities for manifestation of initiative, ingenuity, training fruits, assuming not only the work on samples, but also use of logical designs, abstract forms, but not just the subject concepts, by composing in own head of certain schemes, before their implementation in practice.
Self-awareness also allows not only pragmatic and targeted way to treat the environment, changing it for itself, but also to see own appearance, for example, discovering itself in the polished fragment of the rock or seeing reflected in a rain pool, receiving the aspiration to change, decorate this shape anyway, that forms thereby the culture rudiments.
At all this the greatest advantage in activities is got by the individuals capable not only on one extrapolation, but also on unexpected, original (creative) solutions of the arising problems, i.e. the beings who can create what for the present isn't present in an environment, and that in itself means aspiration of each being to similar manifestations, far as, of course, it is possible for him.
Thus, the searched liberty of consciousness receives realization from within, reflecting itself into activity in all expanding space of own affairs, in disappearing dependence on a lot of external factors, that is supported by successful solution anyway of the arising problems [2. Ch. 7].
In the course of evolution three quite worthy candidates have appeared: an ape, a rat and a dolphin, inducting in genome of one of which a certain set of the genes promoting development of self-consciousness, could give the creative being, whose main qualities are stated above