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The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 11

Other living creatures in the properties associated with ingenuity, the ability to convert one way or another the environment, mostly are far behind specified beings

Let us characterize briefly these three species, despite the fact that the result of the selection is already known.

Let's start with the rat.

The rat is not as simple as it seems.

In particular, if we compare its genome with the human genome, then the number of genes at the person (about 30 thousand) and the rat (about 25 thousand) is comparable, and it is very important, inasmuch from the manifestation of the genotype depends all basic properties of each individual of the respective kind.

Decoding the genome of the rat showed that 99% genes of the person and rat are similar, and 80% at all coincide, and the length of the genetic code of the rat is 2.5 billion pairs of nucleotides, that is slightly shorter than at the person (2.9 billion pairs of nucleotides).

It is no wonder that the composition of blood of a rat and a person coincides, the structure of body tissues also coincides; moreover, experiments have shown that rats, like humans, have abstract thinking, at least, in a number of situations. About it in more detail you can read on Internet.

All these data are not so striking, so how mammals evolved from Theriodont (medium-sized lizard) about two hundred million years ago, and the branches of the rodents and the primates diverged about 30 million years ago.

The advantage of the rat is the fact that it has evolved about three times faster than a human.

Grey rats can run with speed up to 9.6 km/h, jump up to the height of 80 cm, swim 2 km, dig the long burrows, arrange the refuge practically in any place. They are unusually adaptive, unpretentious and capable to give birth up to 23 cubs. In the wild the rats seldom live till 1 year, but they live in house conditions about 3 years.

Rats communicate among themselves with very large number of various signals in the ultrasonic range.

Rats are capable to think, as has shown a number of experiments, no worse than primates.

Rats are capable to understand value of a number of words and to use them on sense according to a situation. Rats are also capable to copy the human speech.

Rats can generalize a number of situations and use the abstract forms, matured in their heads.

Rats are also capable to deduce the general rules of behavior on the basis of the accumulated life experience and to use them for the solution of the tasks with which they weren't encounter yet.

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