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The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 4

All this clearly indicates the lack of smooth evolutionary transition of the primate, merged with the nature, into the creative person, which is separated from nature to a large extent

Lack of similar smooth evolutionary transition is confirmed by data of the research conducted by the international consortium of. 67 scientists from 23 scientific institutions of 5 countries – the USA, Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany.

They have found the fact of unusually rapid restructuring of a genome, contradicting the speed of evolutionary development which is usually stated by evolutionists. During the research they used the computer overlay of the genome map of a chimpanzee on the genome map of the person that has allowed them to mark out three categories of so-called DNA-duplications – those that are available in the human genome, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, those that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in the human genome and those that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome is doubled. In this case the segments of DNA with the length not less than 20 thousand nucleotide pairs were considered. It turned out that about a third of DNA-duplications, found in the person, are absent at a chimpanzee. This figure fairly surprised geneticists, inasmuch it testifies to very high frequency of mutations for short (on evolutionary measures) period (See, e.g., dw.de› decryption of a genome … and … its comparing … human).

This shows that the explanation of emergence of the person, offered by evolutionists, as a result of smooth transition of one of type of primates to the person, connected with labor activity and manifestation of communication with the help of words, which somehow evolutionists does not allow to make to the other primates, doesn't maintain criticism.

There is the only explanation of rather rapid transformation of one of type of primates into the person: introduction into the genome (the evocation) by no means not in a random way the programs, promoting formation at this type of primates of the concepts, distracted from concrete things as a result of communication with similar beings, different ways of evaluating own actions, that promotes emergence of an opportunity for these beings to look at the world from outside, to estimate its usefulness for themselves and to try to change this world purposefully under themselves.

It is known that the ray of light can be modulated by the signal bearing information which is capable to set certain programs of development or to correct the available programs. In particular, at Institute of Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences an exemplar of DNA has been placed between the laser and an external mirror. Both the direct and reflected beams not only apprehended genetic information, but also radiated it in corresponding frequency range.

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