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The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 3

Thereby this procedure, on the one hand, increases number of combinations of links in a genome, complicating it, and on the other hand, this process of use of new links, positive for replication, in effect, means gradual formation of some kind of reflexes on the remembered irritation that, naturally, is reflected on a phenotype.

All these consequences of mutations have no relation to arbitrariness and they find an explanation, first, in the inescapable deep activity of the living organisms distinguishing them from lifeless objects, that is called by consciousness, and secondly, in possession by any living organism of the complex program, allowing a organism to develop, i.e. to multiply, become more complicated, retain own structure from disintegration by effective exchange of substance and energy with the environment.

By itself, the process of complication of living organisms in the course of their interaction with the environment is the derivative from the process of their adaptation to the environment, which along with the dominant process of complication of the organisms can be manifested and in stability of organisms to the change long time, if they find full compliance with the environment, and the failures in their programs are of a balanced character, without influencing, for example, on the reproduction process in any way. In this case the program on the protein carrier remains almost invariable on the action, how and a phenotype, which is manifested in appearance and structure of an organism (some viruses and bacteria).

Thus, evolution represents gradual accumulation of the various, more or less difficult living beings appearing and disappearing during natural selection during billions of years. These beings are characterized by the full unity with the environment, i.e. they aren't capable to separate themselves from the environment independently, because the action program which is written down in genes of each living being determines it as a component of the living environment, the sole support which is a reflex activity, but not as the certain subject of conscious-target impact on the environment.

It is possible to understand this representation by analogy with operation of the computer according to various programs, introduction of which changes properties of the computer, but which the computer isn't capable to generate independently.

If, nevertheless, to allow the emergence of such independence, then becomes inexplicable absence of similar transformation, for example, at a chimpanzee during millions of years, whose genome only for 1% differs from the human genome.

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