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The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 5

Obviously, for emergence at primates of awareness of own existence were to happen some fundamental internal changes which weren't for all the time of existence of organisms on Earth. What are these changes, if the person has appearance, structure of organs and even the structure of the genome close to that of a chimpanzee?

It is possible to state the following: the similar internal change can only be additional programming of a genome, which until then (during billions of years) has been programmed at all living beings only to reflex activity, also to conscious activity.

Therefore, transformation of the most perfect primate – it could be the chimpanzee or even more perfect primate – in a prototype of the person is possible only when changing the program which is manifested in a phenotype.

Apparently, under this new program the genome of only one type of a chimpanzee as we know, for 99% coinciding with human genome, or ape, which is similar to a chimpanzee, that technically facilitates affair, has also been reconstructed. Otherwise, when the gradual evolutionary development, all or almost all highly developed primates, in a varying degree, but owning a set of sound signals to facilitate communication, as well as are able to force down from trees the fruits and berries by a handpicked stick, would realize, sooner or later, the benefits of the verbal communication for own groups and a labor activity in collective, and they would turn in public creative beings, which are identical in fact but various by the form.

However, it hasn't occurred.

One of hypotheses believes that the lagoon ape from Ethiopia was the closest ancestor of the person. The ape had smaller indumentum, well swam, moved a considerable part of days vertically, had "the lowered larynx", emergence which, apparently, is connected with a semi-water way of life. Important the fact that the similar larynx allows to control breath and, as a result, gives the ability to speak.

After similar reorganization, the symbiosis of the turned out individual and consciousness of higher level, than consciousness of an animal, becomes possible. This procedure brings to the individual an opportunity to manifest consciousness. All the rest: ability to work together with tribespeople, coherent speech, creative thinking and etc. is developed as a consequence for a certain and relatively not really long term, fixing joint symbiosis of the lowest (reflex) and the highest (conscious and target) consciousness forms with a body, and developing thereby intelligence.

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