The person – a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! - стр. 6
For this reason – owing to readiness of the candidate for the person (the highly developed ape) for similar transformation – the person has so suddenly appeared, more precisely, a prototype of the person in the form of some types of hominids with the additional program in a genome, intended for consciously-target actions, and not just as earlier – only for reflex and instinctive actions in the environment.
In other words, the additional program, which has been recorded in the genome, marked the beginning for emergence of a few million years ago of the prototype of the person in the form of several variants of hominids, who were capable to understand themselves, or to determination own "I," i.e. to switch largely for initiatively-target behavior. These prototypes of the person were being changed a few million years in accordance with natural selection in the course of another interaction with the environment in comparison with apes: their brain have increased, so how was necessary to solve complex problems of a reorganization of an environment by means of instruments of labor, hunting, a household etc.); their extremities have changed (hindquarters have being adapted primarily to walking, because of the wandering way of life of hominids, having turned into the low extremities; forelimbs have being adapted to the manufacture of artificial tools of labor and handling with these tools); larynx has being transformed into the direction of the highest fitness to the sound verbal communication, significantly increases the efficiency of collective action during hunting, cooking, raising children and so on.
The most successful from hominids on the way to modern person were Cro-Magnons, while less successful candidates didn't sustain the competition with more adaptive Cro-Magnons, who, apparently, had the most favorable combination of reflex-instinctive mechanisms and programs of self-consciousness for the survival and development of the ability to consciously-target actions.
This favorable combination of both programs of the highest and lowest types of consciousness has been transferred to modern people practically without change, i.e. their abilities and properties are the same as at their ancestors who lived tens thousands of years ago, and the genotype of the modern person, as it was found by scientist-genetics, did not undergo during this time of significant change.
Becomes also clear, why the transitional link from primates to the person is still not found.
External signs of reorganization in this case don't play a significant role in comparison with deep signs, inasmuch the genome has been quickly enough reconstructed, and there was person almost in finished form, i.e. a being, who, whether it is bad or is good, but was already able to separate itself from the environment and to use this new ability to realize itself in the world as an individual.