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Psychoeconomics: globalization, markets, crisis - стр. 19

What do we make of this? This is indeed what actually happens on the world market, in the stock market, in the world economy. Our economic drives are realized in hundreds or thousands or even millions of buying and selling transactions. So as a result these economic decisions of the mass of individuals and companies become sinusoidal, cyclical… First one factor (or a group of factors of the same type) becomes absolute when decisions are made, then another one does.

And this is not only in the economy. Fashion, science, and art function the same way. At points of high solar activity we become more inclined to change our position and our opinions. And we change them toward the relative opposites. Everything is according to the laws of the relationship of the conscious and unconscious, according to Jung. That’s how we’re built. This is a deeply reinforcing device that compels us to understand the truth even in spite of our will, by directing our consciousness toward one factor, then to its opposite.

Gradually, after we have sorted out these factors, we obtain a more comprehensive picture of the market’s development, of socioeconomic processes, and of the world as a whole, getting closer and closer to the truth with each new historical stage of development. It is as though we are being compelled to acknowledge the truth, the necessary psychological prerequisites for this are being created.

Regarding the processes of economic globalization, in connection with the formation of a single market, these processes become more and more coordinated on a global scale.

Cyclically repeating economic dependencies reflect the intentions of the people making decisions. Thus, the relationship of the price of gold to securities reflects the relationship of the intentions of the domain experts and social motivators in deciding whether to buy stock or gold. At the same time, this is a relationship of the intentions of kinesthetic and auditory types, of people with a developed “total” or “partial” metaprogram, of those inclined toward metamodeling or Milton modeling, people with hysteroid traits (peak share price) versus paranoid traits (who tend to choose gold a little more often), etc. Moreover, each psychotype, each metaprogram that is present to one degree or another in the agents of economic activity, oscillates somewhat, but in the aggregate these micro changes, these “somewhat” give the effect of reconsideration of the decisions of market participants, which are flex points of price changes. These “negligible” oscillations by many over a certain time interval in their majority predetermine the market’s “U-turn”.

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