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The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities - стр. 9

2. Dynamics of ethnogenesis is explained by Gumilev as the presence in each person of the fluctuations of some energy which undertakes from the biosphere of Earth and transformed by the person into work. Gumilev called this ability the passionarity: "An indispensable condition of emergence and the course of process of ethnogenesis up to its attenuation, after which the ethnos turns into a relict, is its passionarity, i.e. ability to purposeful overtension. We can explain it so far, having only accepted a hypothesis, i. e. the judgment which is generalizing noted facts, but not excluding a possibility of emergence of other, more graceful explanations: the passionarity is an organic ability of an organism to absorb energy of the external environment and to give it in the form of labour. In humans, this ability fluctuates so strongly that sometimes its impulses break the instinct of self-preservation, both individual and species, as a result of which some people, in our terminology – passionaries, commit and cannot fail to do the acts that lead to a change in their environment. This change concerns equally the environment and the relations in human communities, that is ethnoses. Therefore, the passionarity has the energetical nature, refracting through the mental features stimulating hyperactivity of carriers of this sign creating and destroying landscapes, peoples and cultures" [15, p. 50].

3. The push to increase the passionarity Gumilev sees in the external factor (bursts of cosmic radiation). The fact that the pushes have cosmic origin apparently results from the fact that Gumilev could not explain by earthly reasons the linear form and huge extent on the surface of the Earth of these pushes [16]. "One and the same push can create several foci of increased passionarity (and as a consequence – several super-ethnoses). So, the push VI touched Arabia, the valley of the Indus, Southern Tibet, North China and Middle Japan. "The same push can create several centers of the increased passionarity (and as a result – several superethnoses). So, push VI reserve Arabia, valley of Indus, Southern Tibet, Northern China and Central Japan. And in all these countries arose ethnoses-peers, but each of them had original stereotypes and cultures" [17, p. 14-17].

The logic of development of a civilization, according to Gumilev, consists in series of ethnoses, i.e. in replacement of the perished ethnoses by emerging ones, and the term of life of each ethnos is 1200-1500 years old.

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