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The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities - стр. 11

These forces or force Gumilev also did not discover. The only internal property that Gumilev discovers in a person is the presence in him of an oscillation of some energy of incomprehensible origin and properties that determines the absence or presence of passionarity: this unknown and unverifiable energy incomprehensibly how is being taken from the Earth's biosphere and is transformed by the person into work. Moreover, the fact of obtaining additional energy passes beyond the consciousness of a person. This conclusion seems completely unserious. Therefore, it turns out: it is not known what "destroys, – according to Gumilev, – the instinct of self-preservation."

Gumilev's view on the fixed time of the life cycle (existence) of the ethnos in the interval 1200-1500 years is also an erroneous view. It's not even about how many thousands of years it can exist – everything in our world of course – essence of the problem is completely different.

It is impossible to consider such complex and changeable formations – the holistic communities, – as a matter of fact. similar to the life of a living being – with its fixed cycle from birth to the period of blossoming with the subsequent sunset: ups and downs, a stable existence in the intermittent development of each community can be many for thousands of years, and we have many similar examples, unlike the rather labored examples given by Gumilev.

In the last section we will dwell on this problem in more detail.

It seems that all this criticism completely destroys the concept of Gumilev, reducing it to an amateurish craft for the needs of a semi-educated public.

Nevertheless, Gumilev was the only person from the entire scholarly community who tried to solve the problem quite original, which nobody has managed to solve so far.

Be that as it may, the questions assigned by him, have posed scientists and historians at a dead end, since they themselves were incapable of suggesting something new, except for the factors mentioned above, which they considered the driving forces of social development absolutely groundless, although within the framework of the materialist approach to the problem, Gumilev was is doomed to failure, inasmuch the materialists relying on approaches of natural sciences to an explanation of world processes, are forced to operate only with natural phenomena, and this circumstance does not allow them to be engaged in those phenomena that cannot be attributed to purely natural, which, for example, is human consciousness, the source of origin of which science is still not able to determine. Science is also incapable of understanding the essence of consciousness, although, definitely, it is consciousness that controls the human body, and not vice versa.

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