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The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities - стр. 12

These questions are as follows.

1. Gumilev, in contrast to the above-mentioned scientists, who for the driving forces of development of society accept a secondary or external factors, capable in fact to affect only on the acceleration or deceleration of the development of individual communities and civilization as a whole, quite adequately noted the necessity of the presence as a driving force of every intelligent being and communities of these beings of some hidden, internal "mover", having called it passionarity, but presented this property as the internal energy of an incomprehensible type, which a person replenishes in one or another volume from a reservoir of the Earth's biosphere.

Anyway, Gumilev is right in the attempt to find not some external force, but internal gradually creating dynamics both for a human, and for any group of people united by common interests.

2. Quite fairly as well Gumilev's statement that in each person a certain internal essence acts, and the degree of its activity is defined by its fullness in the person or by its level. It is this fullness that causes a person to fall into a passive state or into an active state, or both of these states are balanced.

3. It is impossible not to agree with Gumilev in the fact that every holistic human community develops unevenly, and this irregularity is determined primarily by the rise or recession at the active part of the community of some inner essence, which he refers to as passionarity, wrongly considering that the nature of this essence is energetical.

4. As for the push initiating impetuous development of community (ethnos), of course, without internal readiness any external influence, for example, some non-fatal radiation, can remain just unnoticed, or the life of community, having suddenly agitated by war or an earthquake, for some time, again will enter the former course, that is, external impacts or influences in themselves can at best accelerate or slow the movement of the community forward, but this movement is possible only if they interact with some inner essence of the person (his communities) , however they cannot replace this essence, that finds its external expression, for example, in lack of the corresponding reaction of community, if this essence has no adequate readiness, more precisely, fullness.

So, for example, all efforts of Léonard da Vinci to implement own inventions, among which there was even a helicopter, remained unnoticed by the community, unlike his pictures.

We need only to find this initial essence of the person, which he transmits to own communities, and which influences to a certain extent on all happening to him including on his development, and on development of his communities.

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