Money, money circulation and credit - стр. 10
Money can perform this function because it has «a perfect liquid- ity» of a nominal value.
Of course there is no use to save money in the countries with growing inflation because it devalues too fast. In consequence it looses its force of attraction in spite of high liquidity. If every day we can buy the lesser quantity of goods on dollar, ruble or tenge people wouldn’t like to save the value too long in a monetary form. There are known cases when in the conditions of hyperinflation the workers claim not for the monthly wages but for daily in order to spend their money before the prices will grow on the next day.
In those countries where the hyperinflation exists the national currency could be almost denied as a mean of hoarding and as a standard of value. In such circumstances an interesting situation appears: the national monetary units perform the functions of circulation and standard of prices but as a mean of hoarding the more stable foreign currency is used bought by the monetary assets holders.
The representative function interweaves and interlinks directly with the function of money as a mean of payment – payment of taxes, receipt and reimbursement of credit, payment of salaries, allowances, payment for utility services. Whereby a money circulation is not accompanied by a simultaneous goods transfer.
Initially this function was performed by the gold money and then by paper and credit. Historically the function of a mean of payment generated the credit money – a kind of token money. Money as a mean of payment has a specific scheme of transfer (G-UPI-G) which is not linked with the goods’ countermotion, i.e. money – urgent proof of indebtedness – money.
According to this scheme in the conditions of developed goods production the goods’ owners are linked to each other and a payment link opening will cause a range of payment failures: one tenge of the State debt will result 5-6 tenge of the other nonpayments.
In the conditions of a legal basis imperfection and an inflation growth in the middle of 90>th of the last century the crisis of nonpayments accrued. Thus in Kazakhstan in the beginning of 1995 the nonpayments amounted 368.2 billion tenge, in 1996 – 533.9 billion, in 1998 – 637.9 billion. From 1998 some decrease occurred – 518.9 billion tenge and on 01.12.2002 – 148.2 billion tenge what was the result of the economic situation stabilization.
The usage of money as a mean of payment was described in detail in «The Russian Truth» (the XI>th century): «Kunas are needed for payment of viras (penalties), debts and rezas (percents), obrok and render (for plough – ral and yard – smoke)». As the industrial society developed a mean of payment increasingly substituted a mean of circulation.