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Money, money circulation and credit - стр. 9

Money as an instrument of circulation. Money was born by trade and appeared as a technical mean which facilitates the goods’ exchange. Because without money only the direct exchange could be done when each of partner has a required good for another partner. But even there will be three people they can fail the deal if won’t use money. In other words money facilitate greatly the transition (or, as economists say, «circulation») of goods between the trade participants. Money serves as a universal language which helps sellers and buyers to come to agreement.

By the way that’s exactly why gold and silver became the main money commodities which contained the basis of the World’s leading countries’ monetary systems till the middle of the last century. These precious metals were admitted by the majority of nations all over the World as the most recognized monetary language which facilitated greatly as internal and international trade.

During the direct commodity exchange (G-G – good for good) the purchase and sale happened simultaneously in one place without any gaps. The commodity circulation (G1-M-G2) consists of two independent actions separated in time and place. Money plays the role of representative which allows to overpass the temporal and spatial gaps and to provide continuous process flow.

To money peculiarities as a mean of circulation first of all we can include the real money appearance in circulation and its evanescence in exchange. In this connection the token money – paper and credit – can perform the velocity function. Here the parallel countermotion of money and goods happens when money is tied to the goods movement. Historically this function generated token (paper) money.

The function of means of hoarding and savings. Money being the universal equivalent i.e. providing its owner the receipt of any good becomes a creation of social wealth. People feel an aspiration to save and reserve money. During the metal circulation this money function played the role of spontaneous regulator of the money turnover – spare money went to treasures and money shortage was filling up by them.

In the conditions of widened commodity reproduction the accumulation (saving and storing) of temporarily disposable monetary resources is a necessary condition of the capital turnover. The creation of money reserves flattens the inequalities and peculiarities of economic life. On a nationwide scale the gold reserve stock creation was required. In accordance with a demonetization of gold the amount of gold hoard gives evidence of the State’s richness and provides trust of residents and nonresidents to the national monetary unit.

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