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Money, money circulation and credit - стр. 12

Of an international mean of payment – money covers the international debts;

Of an international standby fund – money performs the role of an international mean of payment stock. The state gold reserve stock performs this function.

Historically the gold played role of the world money as an external account mean of control. The Paris agreement of 1867 declared only this metal. And such situation kept for quite a long time.

After the World War I>st some other national currencies of different countries joined the rank of world money – the US dollar, the British pound, the French franc. In 1922 it was formalized in legislation by the international agreement in Genoa when the British pound and the US dollar were announced as the equivalents of gold and introduced into the international circulation.

After the World War II>nd the leaders of the biggest states tried to avoid the mistakes which lead to the World crisis of 30>th. On July 1944 in Bretton Woods they created the system of stable exchange rates which was called a «Bretton Woods system».

The member governments of the International Monetary Fund which was created on the same international conference along with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development fixed their currencies rates in dollars and gold, and the dollar from its side was linked to gold (35 dollars for 1 ounce of gold).

Thanks to the fact when for long years USA purchased and sold gold, i.e. created or destroyed dollars the price of gold became stable on the level of 35 dollars and almost eliminate the inflation. Dollar’s credibility and American economic monetary policy stability were incredible moreover the foreign exchange banks at any time could change their dollars on gold.

During the «Bretton Woods system» action the World economy and World trade quicksteped to new peaks. Simultaneously the inflation index kept steady state (about 3 %). Only slight deflections were observed in most of the countries. However this system was fraught with some danger. Because the industrial productivity in USA in 1969-1970 was lower than European and Japan, the American goods’ competiveness on the World market fell. The dollar exchange rate revaluation was unavoidable. To save the system of stable foreign exchange rates was impossible. The sharp floating because of instability in dollar led to the «flight of the dollar» and its following fall in exchange. The dollar stayed a leading currency. And on April, 1972 the «Common Market» Nations came to a decision to establish between themselves more narrow range limits of their currencies and for this purpose created a so called «monetary snake».

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