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Легкое чтение на английском языке. В. Скотт. Айвенго / Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe - стр. 41

), half of the knights were lying on the ground (половина из рыцарей лежала на земле). Some of them quickly jumped to their feet (некоторые из них быстро вскочили на ноги) while others, who were wounded more seriously (в то время как другие, которые были ранены более серьезно), were struggling to get out of the lists (пробивались, чтобы выбраться с ристалища; to struggle – бороться; пробиваться; to get out – выходить, вылезать).

noise [nɔɪz], cloud [klaʋd], hoof [hu:f]

The noise could be heard a mile away, and for several minutes no one in the audience could see anything through the great cloud of dust that had been raised by the horses’ hoofs. When the dust had settled again, half of the knights were lying on the ground. Some of them quickly jumped to their feet while others, who were wounded more seriously, were struggling to get out of the lists.

The mounted knights (конные рыцари), whose lances had almost all been broken (чьи копья были почти что все сломаны), continued fighting with their swords (продолжали сражаться на мечах), shouting out war-cries (выкрикивая боевые кличи; war-cry – боевой клич), which were repeated by the excited audience (которые повторялись возбужденной публикой; to excite – возбуждать, волновать). Soon their shining armour (вскоре их блестящие доспехи) was completely covered in blood and dust (были полностью покрыты кровью и пылью). The ladies in the audience clapped and shouted (дамы /сидящие меж/ зрителей хлопали в ладоши и кричали), “Brave lance (храброе копье)! Good sword (искусный меч; good – хороший; искусный, умелый)!” to their favourite knights (своим любимым рыцарям; favourite – излюбленный, любимый, наиболее предпочтительный; возлюбленный).

mounted [‘maʋntɪd], war cry [‘wɔ:kraɪ], blood [blʌd], favourite [‘feɪv(ǝ)rɪt]

The mounted knights, whose lances had almost all been broken, continued fighting with their swords, shouting out war-cries, which were repeated by the excited audience. Soon their shining armour was completely covered in blood and dust. The ladies in the audience clapped and shouted, “Brave lance! Good sword!” to their favourite knights.

“Fight on, brave knights (продолжайте драться, храбрые рыцари; on – указывает на продолжение или развитие действия)!” shouted the heralds (кричали герольды). “Man dies, but glory lives (человек умирает, но слава живет; glory – известность, популярность, слава)! Fight on, death is better than defeat (продолжайте биться, смерть лучше, чем поражение; defeat – проигрыш /в соревновании/; поражение, разгром /в военной баталии/

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