Легкое чтение на английском языке. В. Скотт. Айвенго / Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe - стр. 40
(но /сидящему на коне/ всаднику не будет позволено атаковать его; horseman – всадник; наездник; horse – конь). The fighting would stop (схватка должна будет прекратиться) as soon as Prince John gave the signal (как только принц Джон подаст знак/сигнал).
beside [bɪ’saɪd], battle-axe [‘bætlæks], continue [kǝn’tɪnju:], horseman [‘hɔ:smǝn]
When Prince John saw that the Queen of the tournament had arrived, he rode forward to meet her and led her to sit beside him in the royal gallery.
A herald read out the rules for the second day of the tournament: Apart from their lances, this time the knights would also be allowed to use swords and battle-axes. If a knight had been knocked off his horse, he could continue fighting on foot, but a mounted horseman would not be allowed to attack him. The fighting would stop as soon as Prince John gave the signal.
The knights rode into the lists (рыцари въехали /верхом/ на ристалище) and formed two groups of fifty men (и образовали две группы по пятьдесят человек; to form – придавать форму, придавать вид; составлять, образовывать) at opposite ends of the lists (на противоположных концах арены). They held their lances upright (они держали свои копья вертикально; upright – вертикально, прямо, стоймя) and the points shone brightly in the sun (и /их/ наконечники сверкали ярко на солнце). When the heralds blew their trumpets (когда герольды затрубили в трубы), all the knights lowered their lances (все рыцари опустили свои копья) and galloped towards the centre of the lists (и галопом помчались к центру ристалища).
upright [‘ʌpraɪt], brightly [‘braɪtlɪ], lower [‘lǝʋǝ]
The knights rode into the lists and formed two groups of fifty men at opposite ends of the lists. They held their lances upright and the points shone brightly in the sun. When the heralds blew their trumpets, all the knights lowered their lances and galloped towards the centre of the lists.
The noise could be heard a mile away (шум /сражения/ можно было слышать за милю /от ристалища/; noise – шум, гам, грохот; гвалт, гудение, гул; неприятный звук; away – /отдаленность от данного места/ далеко), and for several minutes no one in the audience (и несколько минут никто из зрителей) could see anything through the great cloud of dust (не мог видеть ничего сквозь огромное облако пыли; cloud – облако; облако, клубы /пыли, дыма и т. п./) that had been raised by the horses’ hoofs (которое было поднято конскими копытами). When the dust had settled again (когда пыль улеглась снова; to settle – усаживать/ся/; укладывать/ся/; устраивать/ся/