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Легкое чтение на английском языке. Сказки Нового Света / Cyrus Mac Millan. Indian Wonder Tales - стр. 7

(ты увидишь, она поможет тебе в тяжелые времена; to find – находить, обнаруживать; need – нужда, необходимость), and it will be useful to you in your travels (и пригодится тебе в путешествиях; useful – полезный, пригодный). I am near the end of my journey (мое же путешествие близится к завершению; near – близко, около, поблизости, недалеко), and I shall need it no more (и она мне больше не понадобится). You have a long journey before you (у тебя впереди долгое путешествие).” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep (мальчик положил коробочку в карман и лег спать; to lie down – ложиться). Then the old man went on his way (затем старик пошел своей дорогой), and the boy never saw him again (и мальчик уже никогда его не видел; to see – видеть).

thankful ['θæŋkf(ǝ)l], pocket ['pɒkɪt], travel ['trævl], again [ǝ'ɡe(ɪ)n]

The old man was very thankful. He gave the boy a little box he had in his pocket and he said, “Take this box; you will find it will help you in times of need, and it will be useful to you in your travels. I am near the end of my journey, and I shall need it no more. You have a long journey before you.” The boy put the box in his pocket and lay down to sleep. Then the old man went on his way, and the boy never saw him again.

The next morning (на следующее утро), before the boy began his day's journey (прежде чем снова отправиться в путешествие; to begin – начинать; day – день), he wondered what was in the box (он заинтересовался/задался вопросом, что было в коробке) the old man had given him (которую дал ему старик). He took it out and opened it (он вынул ее и открыл; to take out – вынимать). Inside was a little man no bigger than his own thumb (внутри был маленький человечек с палец ростом: «не больше его большого пальца»), dancing as hard as he could (который вовсю отплясывал: «пляшущий изо всех сил»). As soon as the cover was opened and light entered the box (как только крышка открылась, и в коробку попал свет; to enter – входить), the little man stopped dancing (человечек прекратил плясать) and called to the boy (и обратился к мальчику), “What do you want (что ты хочешь)?”

wonder ['wʌndǝ], thumb [θʌm], dancing ['dɑ:nsɪŋ], cover ['kʌvǝ]

The next morning, before the boy began his day's journey, he wondered what was in the box the old man had given him. He took it out and opened it. Inside was a little man no bigger than his own thumb, dancing as hard as he could. As soon as the cover was opened and light entered the box, the little man stopped dancing and called to the boy, “What do you want?”

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