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Легкое чтение на английском языке. Сказки Нового Света / Cyrus Mac Millan. Indian Wonder Tales - стр. 12

['medǝʋ], wonder ['wʌnder], lost [lɒst], last [lɑ:st]

“It shall be done,” said the little man. Then the boy closed the box and lay down and went to sleep. He slept soundly all night. When he awoke in the early morning the mountain was gone. All around was only a level meadow. The sun was still low in the eastern sky, but all the village could see it. When the Chief awoke, he wondered greatly. He thought he had lost his daughter at last. But he decided to set another hard task for the boy to do.

Soon the boy went to the Chief to claim his bride (вскоре мальчик пошел к вождю, чтобы потребовать свою невесту). But the Chief said (но вождь сказал), “You must do another task for me (ты должен выполнить еще одно задание для меня). Not far away there is a village where my enemies live (недалеко есть деревня, в которой живут мои враги). They have caused me great trouble (они причиняют мне большое беспокойство; to cause – служить причиной; cause – причина). You must destroy the village (ты должен разрушить эту деревню) and drive all the people away (и выгнать всех людей; to drive – гнать) before you can win my daughter (прежде, чем сможешь получить мою дочь). If you fail to do it tonight (если тебе не удастся сделать это сегодня ночью), you shall be put to death tomorrow (завтра тебя казнят).” The boy agreed to do as he wished (мальчик согласился сделать так, как он хочет). And the Chief thought the boy would surely be killed in making the attempt (а вождь подумал, что мальчика непременно убьют, когда он попытается это сделать; to make an attempt – сделать попытку).

another [ǝ'nʌðǝ], trouble ['trʌbl], destroy [dɪs'trɒɪ], people ['pi:pl], attempt [ǝ'tempt]

Soon the boy went to the Chief to claim his bride. But the Chief said, “You must do another task for me. Not far away there is a village where my enemies live. They have caused me great trouble. You must destroy the village and drive all the people away before you can win my daughter. If you fail to do it tonight, you shall be put to death tomorrow.” The boy agreed to do as he wished. And the Chief thought the boy would surely be killed in making the attempt.

That night the boy set out for the distant village (в ту ночь мальчик отправился в дальнюю деревню). He ran very fast and soon reached the border of it (он бежал очень быстро и скоро добрался до ее окраины; to run – бежать; border – граница, край). Then he took out his box and opened it (потом он вынул свою коробочку и открыл ее; to take out – вынимать). The fairy stopped dancing and said

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