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Harmonizing the Natal Chart - стр. 20

Additionally, one should not agree to everything a partner wants if it does not align with their own desires.

Harmonization of Venus in Scorpio or the Eighth House of the Natal Chart

Scorpio is an unpredictable placement for Venus. Such individuals constantly try to reshape their partner, molding them to fit their own vision. Those who operate on a higher level help their partner grow spiritually and undergo transformation. However, this kind of love can be ruthless, as it forces a person to change, even when they do not want to—ultimately, this results in a form of coercion.

People with Venus in Scorpio always feel they receive too little attention and love. The key to harmonization is understanding that they must give more than they receive. They should learn from Taurus (Scorpio’s opposite sign) the qualities of calmness and acceptance in relationships, the willingness to let their partner be as they are rather than trying to change them—especially through force—and the ability to shower them with generosity.

It is crucial to realize that perfection does not exist. Stability in relationships and the acceptance of a person as they are form the foundation of a strong union.

Harmonization of Venus in Sagittarius or the Ninth House of the Natal Chart

Here, one should learn from Gemini (the opposite sign of Sagittarius) the ability to communicate with ease. Deep discussions, soul-searching conversations with a partner or friends, and philosophical reflections are not always necessary. There should be more lighthearted conversations, discussions about anything and everything, without delving too deep.

Additionally, one should avoid trying to teach their partner something if the partner does not seek it.

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