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Harmonizing the Natal Chart - стр. 19

If their partner is nervous or prone to arguments, they may feel unloved, as those with Venus in Cancer believe that love manifests only through warmth and emotional depth. They need to work on understanding that their partner expresses themselves differently and accept this.

People with Venus in Cancer seek a sense of security from their partner, similar to what they experienced with their parents (if they had it). However, the feeling of security must be cultivated within themselves through personal development.

Harmonization of Venus in Leo or in the Fifth House of the Natal Chart

Such a person is highly jealous, which damages relationships not only with their partner but also with friends. A woman with this placement may have difficulties not only with men but also with female friends.

It is essential to learn from Aquarius (Leo’s opposite sign) to give more freedom to a partner, avoid controlling them, and focus more on personal development. The same applies to friendships and other social interactions—allowing others their own space and independence.

People with Venus in Leo tend to prioritize appearance and status when choosing a partner. However, they should shift their focus to the person’s character, how well they communicate and interact, and the quality of the relationship itself.

Harmonization of Venus in Virgo or in the Sixth House of the Natal Chart

Here, Venus is practical and fixated on material values. It is harmonized through developing Pisces qualities (Virgo’s opposite sign). One should not choose a partner based on financial benefits but rather evaluate their moral, personal, and emotional qualities, their character, and their genuine feelings toward them.

Honesty, justice, integrity, empathy, and a willingness to help without expecting anything in return should take priority over financial status, social standing, appearance, or fame.

The harmonization of Venus in Virgo requires cultivating the qualities mentioned above. Through this inner transformation, true prosperity can be achieved.

Harmonization of Venus in Libra or the Seventh House of the Natal Chart

Here, the work on Venus involves understanding that not all relationships should be smoothed over if they have outlived their purpose, nor should one forgive what is unforgivable. It is necessary to pay attention to a partner’s inappropriate actions and their poor treatment of you.

It is important to adopt the qualities of Aries—the ability to express negative emotions and indignation at bad behavior—to show when you are hurt and to respond appropriately to a partner’s actions.

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