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Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 26

November 5 – almost all the planets (except Uranus) were on one side of the Sun, taking the form of bowls, the edges of which were Jupiter and Saturn. Why was it so important? When the cosmogram looks like "bowl", "within which" the Sun is observed as the exacerbation of chronic diseases, most heart attacks and strokes happen, people become more aggressive and it had already drawn the attention of the science. [13] The same situation was in the planet's climax moments of crises in 1929 and 2009. It was on the 5>th of November when there was a drop in seasonal goods production – wheat, cotton, etc. Three weeks of trading on the U.S. led to economic losses that exceeded all expenses for the years of The First World War, amounting to about 30 billion dollars, that is one-third of the national income.

All that happened before any drastic measures were regulated in the amount of cash in circulation. This moment of economic history is forgotten and displaced from the consciousness of economists due to the fact that in the economic theory it is inexplicable. Economists do not want to admit it. But if the cause of the market fall is in the quality of its participants, the actions of regulators should be aimed at preventing such situations and changing the motivation of market participants to change themselves. This point must be the primary decision-making rather than amount of money in circulation.

Turning to the lessons of the economic and financial crises, bankers tend to argue that officials did not support and did not save collapsing banks. Industrialists are stable in their opinion that it was necessary to lend money to producers and not to engage in speculation … Representatives of leftist forces believe the money should be distributed among the common people that we need to increase from households. Each explains what happened in their own way and on the basis of their "parochial" interests.

We can make the following conclusion: Crisis of 1929-1933 years is an example of how market participants had created the image of the illusion in your mind that exchanges could make a profit out of the air due to the inventing of various secondary financial instruments and to implement the American dream, becoming wealthy in a few days. Under such market participants' desire the financial instruments were created and related. The illusion was so strong that it made the financial market sustainable in a situation where it had to collapse. Just like today.

This logic psychopathic behavior was popular among hysterical people. If they gave more money after September 1929, they would have immediately allowed the stock market speculation. Giving more money at the moment is not just the continuation of madness. Just as in the 2009 crisis. If there was no money for playing or if they would be reduced, than it would be followed by the blues, anxiety and depression, as it had been observed in the United States. The immediate cause of the economic downturn just stands the unusual change of mentality and the motivation of market participants with the behavior of people in awe. Behavior was exactly the same as

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