Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 25
October 18 – Full Moon, October 20 – Mercury, Venus and Earth were grouped on the same side of the Sun as Jupiter, creating a burst of gravity. The stock market reduced its activity.
October 24 – big New York bankers started to issue loans to brokers in order to demand repayment within 24 hours. This decision was justified when other conditions did not play. It was necessary to stir up the market. More often the market reversals occurred in these bifurcation points, and there were the undergoing rapid reversals in the decisions. Reversal occurred and the stock began frantically sold. On the 29>th of October the market finally collapsed. The purpose changed: not to gain, but to save something.
These events, which deep reason is not "space", but the established long-term behavior of the people themselves, started when Jupiter and Saturn had come into opposition. And that had happened before. The giant planets were in conjunction – the stock market got additional charge for growth, in opposition there was a probabilistically vibration tendency of the fall. But by 1929 the imbalance reality and fiction in the market had become so great that it once fell "through the floor." The cosmic factors (force of attraction, solar activity, expressed in the number of Wolf and others) prompted a massive decisions leading to the crisis.
Slump in shares on the New York Stock Exchange started on the 29>th of October, "Black Tuesday." In one day, the stock fell in price by $ 10 billion. Simultaneously turnover was derived from more than 10% of the securities that had been pledged, and laid under the confidence that will soon become more expensive to build. All who were not in the forefront, faced a terrible choice: to sell at a low price and not that of losing profits, but to remain in debt, or lose all the perspectives, even livelihoods. It was a tough choice. Sometimes the market fluctuated. Then belief in getting huge profits in the future (metaprogram of achievement) was replaced by the confidence that we need to save at least something (metaprogram of avoidance), reason prevailed … This is a critical moment that changes the quality of people, psycho population players in the stock market, and a big part of economically active population in the largest country in the world.
The mass psychosis started in the market. Money that should be paid off to cover the debts to banks, had to be taken from somewhere … They began to sell gold and its price started falling and breaking the long uptrend. After that the gold began to drop inventory. Prices began to fall at all.