Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 19
So naturally when a non-equilibrium state of mind of people happens because of cosmos, it is an internal imbalance that translates into the environment through our activities. Market participants translate these factors into solutions that lead to the non-equilibrium state of the market itself. Its extreme values are clear: the mentally abnormal people will adopt similar solutions on the market if they play at them. This is understandable. But the fact that normal people make decisions that lead to the market disequilibrium and "shake" it we perceive with difficulty. And it just squeezed out of our consciousness. And it happens for good reason. The fact is that our normality fluctuates. It varies with the change of generations, it varies at different levels of solar activity, it varies from the change in the force of gravity, it varies with the changing moods of the wife (husband), boss, etc. We by nature are in a state of disequilibrium. This is our life. Otherwise we can not exist biologically. So we are meeting their needs. That is all.
Persons of one psychotype who are involved in one type of activity are declined to react on the disequilibrium environment and it often happens the same way. Hence the adoption of similar solutions is typical for the growth of certain disequilibrium environment. We take it for granted that when a cold snap starts we dress warmer and talk more about the weather. It's obvious. Also there is a great number of such varieties. People perceive the disequilibrium not directly, but through their updated requirements. Young people can keep from talking about the cold weather even if the winter is deadly cold, but the opposite sex could be the subject of discussion. That's right. But in general, the explicit dependence was an imbalance. The main thing is when the action begins to address this imbalance. If the actions are correct the imbalance disappears. If not then the imbalance may even increase. Why does it grow? Because the wrong model of reality comes from what we have in mind, and a model of the world is inaccurate because of this thought. They no longer reflect the things hidden in reality. The wrong thoughts can lead to an increase in disequilibrium through our particular situation which does not have an adequate action. And one psychotype of people employs one activity while there are wrong thoughts in certain aspects that can begin to occur synchronously. This happens due to imitation and suggestion as well as because of the presence of one egregor, and due to the fact that our mind has the features of a collective. Hence the error in the presence of disequilibrium begins to make the same type sometimes. Not always. More often it happens, when the power of the group of professionals belongs to the social motivators-postpostresonants. But the presence of the period when the decisions are made by resonators and when they are as objective as possible, they take into account the imbalance of the environment and eliminate it, and this fact should not mislead us. This does not always happen, not at all. And we complain ourselves that we live with our minds and dispassionate decisions. Alas. Emotions and irrationality overwhelm us. They also fill the minds of market participants. Their decisions are imposed by market in a non-equilibrium state. These solutions are remarkably synchronous. We usually lose our minds together. It is funnier, more comfortable, more relaxed. These mechanisms are activated in the markets where the psycho-type of participants varies due to the change of generations of the economically active population, and due to the number of cosmic reasons.