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Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 18

     The concept of equilibrium and especially the equilibrium in psychology and physiology has the particular significance.

According to Alexandrovskiy Y.A: "Life terminates when the "non-equilibrium state" ends and then comes complete harmony with the environment." (Y.A Alexandrovskiy. Condition of the psychological maladjustment and neurotic disorders, 2012, p. 33). But the non-equilibrium state of the body and the mind is associated by psychiatrists and psychologists with the growth of maladjustment, mental health problems and with neurotic disorders. Stock markets and fund markets pass the same periods and moments of state of equilibrium and disequilibrium in their development. With the growth of the non-equilibrium state of the market the non-equilibrium state of mind of the participants also grows. And if so then the degree of maladjustment increases along with the neuroticism of the market players who have more active form which is accentuated with personality traits. One (non-equilibrium state of the market) inevitably creates another non-equilibrium state of mind of the participants. The same happens vice versa. Market participants gradually become different with the growth of the non-equilibrium state of the market and with the growth of contradictions, distortions in the financial sector in the economy. What came first: the mental imbalance in state of the market people or imbalance in the economy and finance? The whole point is that one implies the other. One creates the opposite. If there is an imbalance in the mind, it tends to equilibrate movements and activities. If there is accentuation, that is unusually severe personality trait, it tends to manifest itself in the activities of life. If these are personalities with paranoiac accentuation, then inevitably they will seek to articulate a definite purpose and activities and to concentrate all their efforts on achieving it. They will get pleasure from it. Nature is so clever that the preconditions of such accentuation are given in people at the level of genetics. We have laid a predisposition to a variety of disequilibrium. It is simply impossible to avoid them in life. Imbalance in the mind creates an imbalance in the physical world (something modifies, moves, transforms …). Imbalance in the physical world forces people to change (to save from storms, floods, collect harvest for the year, and others.). So, what is primary and what is secondary is hard to say. One involves another. And if there are imbalances in the market, they change those people who they deal with. If there is an imbalance in the psyche of the people, they affect the state of the market, and it leads them to the non-equilibrium state, including crises. Non-equilibrium state of mind can suddenly increase. And it certainly manifests in human activity. First and foremost we have to mention the type of the activity. If people have even a little difference, and there is a non-equilibrium state of mind as well as maladjustment and neurosis, then they will splash through their activity, through their decisions in their earthly affairs. This maladjustment and neurosis come from Cosmos. It changes people on a massive scale, unnoticed, because cosmic forces for the most part belong to the category of soft ones. These include modifications of solar activity and the change of gravity. Both these factors bring the irregularity in the psycho of people. Our psycho changes from these factors gradually and unnoticeable for consciousness. These changes are manifested in the activity of people with the greatest regularity. This can be a science (in the period of solar activity it increases). This may be a political activity, sexual activity, the adoption of certain decisions. Any decisions. It also concerns markets. But this dependence is manifested more statistically, for example among people. And the particular person can cause the results which are opposite to the general statistical trends. Some creative activity increases with an increase of solar radiation, and in other spheres it is at the same time dramatically decreasing. We are different, and sometimes opposite respond to the same environmental factors. Amazing dependency: when something in the environment (temperature, pressure, solar activity, etc.) is changed, this affects the decisions of people, the mental activity; it is in a non-equilibrium state of our psyche. Non-equilibrium state of our mind can be strengthened from the different environments including markets. Our solutions become different.

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