Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - стр. 20
Gravity-magnetic fields make disequilibrium in our earthly life.
In modern science, there is enough reliable data about the effect of gravity and magnetic fields on our psyche. At different moments of cosmic cycles we are different, and it is reflected in our decisions in all areas of life. Economy is not the exception. The level of accumulated knowledge is such that allows us to understand a number of causal links between cosmic phenomena and psycho-emotional processes that take place in the society. This knowledge is important for understanding the behavior of stock market participants at the beginning of the crisis.
They way the cosmic forces influence on what is happening in the world depends on the relative positions of the planets with the dominant role of the giant planets, as well as on the place that holds the Earth in this ensemble. You can select multiple situations to which you should pay attention.
– Jupiter and Saturn are in opposition, and the Sun is between them.
– Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in line with the Sun. The Sun outrages more if it is on the side of the Giants and the other planets are grouped together to form a configuration of "bowl" or lining up in a single line.
– Earth or other planets in line with Saturn and Jupiter.
1.2 Crisis on the Earth and gravitational-magnetic resonance of the outer space
Everything has the origin. Crisis in the economy is not the exception. Nature cataclysm, crisis, revolution are the signs of the system movement to the balance. As a rule, the given movement in nature is caused by the natural reasons that are mainly connected with the changes that take place in the Sun as well as with the position of the Earth among the other planets. It’s a “soft power” that nobody can escape and one should follow its requirements in order to stay in harmony with the constantly changing world. All people respond to the “soft power”, our organism is a very sensitive matter which can respond to any changes. However, if people act in accordance with the requirements of the “soft power”, if they direct it into the source of their creation activity, then there are no any crisis or revolution to take place.
The crisis and revolution are caused by stupid actions of people simultaneously unnoticeable for people for the long period and complex treatment.
Any state, any social community, any economy is a kind of system, and the stability of any system is defined due to its ability to rebuild itself in accordance with its own changed content and to keep safety under the external influence.