365 дней английского. Тетрадь седьмая - стр. 6
Ключ. 1. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think I left the tickets on the piano.” “Why am I not surprised?” 2. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think I left the kitchen window open.” “Why am I not surprised?” 3. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think I mixed up the files. This is the wrong one.” “Why am I not surprised?” 4. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think I mixed up the envelopes.” “Just what we need.” (Или: That’s just what we need.) 5. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think we are on the wrong train.” “Just what we need.” 6. Dentist: “Uh-oh!” Patient: “What is it?” Dentist: “I think I took out the wrong tooth.” Patient: “Oh no!” (Или: I think I pulled out the wrong tooth.) 7. “Uh-oh!” “What is it?” “I think we have a flat tire.” “Just what we need.” (Применительно к колесу или шине (tire/tyre) flat («плоский») означает «спущенный», «сдутый» или «проколотый».) 8. “What is it? Why did you stop?” “Hush! I think I heard something.” 9. “What is it? Why did you stop?” “Hush! I think we have company.” (Слово company имеет несколько значений, в том числе оно означает «гости» – как в прямом смысле слова, так и в переносном значении «внезапно появившиеся люди». Тогда фразу I think we have company следует понимать как «Кажется, мы здесь уже не одни», то есть, кроме нас, здесь появился кто-то еще.) 10. “Jack!” “What is it?” “Are you afraid of ghosts?” “No.” “That is good, because I just saw one.” 11. “Jack!” “What is it?” “Are you afraid of bats?” “No.” “That is good, because I just saw one.” 12. “Jack, wait!” “What is it?” “Don’t move! Stay where you are!” 13. “Ha! Ha!” “What is it?” “Sorry, I just thought of a funny joke.” (Глагол think может также означать «вспомнить что-либо», «внезапно подумать о чем-либо», «внезапно прийти на ум». В этом случае он употребляется с предлогом of.) 14. “Jack!” “What is it?” “Are you sure this is the right place?” “Quite sure.” 15. “Jack!” “What is it?” “Are you sure this is the right train?” “Quite sure.” 16. “Jack!” “What is it?” “You forgot to kiss me good-bye.” 17. “Jack!” “What is it?” “You forgot to kiss me good night.”