365 дней английского. Тетрадь девятая - стр. 12
Ключ. 1. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up a scheme to clean out the grocery store.” (Определенный артикль перед словами grocery store указывает на то, что речь идет о конкретном бакалейном магазине.) 2. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up a scheme to clean out the jewelry store.” 3. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up a scheme to get rich.” 4. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up a scheme to get our hands on those diamonds.” 5. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up a scheme to get our hands on the treasure map.” 6. “All right, fellas. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “We were cooking up an excuse to get rid of the journalist.” 7. “All right, class. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “You were scolding Johnny for being late, Sir.” 8. “All right, class. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “You were scolding us for asking stupid questions, Sir.” 9. “All right, class. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “You were scolding us for our bad behaviour, Sir.” 10. “All right. Where were we when I was so rudely interrupted?” “You were complaining of bad memory.”
Time for Fun
A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store.
“Listen,” said the shoplifter, “I know you don’t want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch and we forget about this?”
The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip. The crook looked at the slip and said, “This is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?”
shoplifter магазинный вор; trouble здесь: проблема; sales slip товарный чек
День двести сорок восьмой
Тема урока: Страдательный залог (Passive Voice). Грамматическое согласование времен.
Exercise 292
Некоторые люди легко поддаются на обман. Поведайте своему собеседнику об известных вам случаях.
He was duped into thinking that the gun was not loaded. It’s amazing how gullible some people can be!
Его обманом заставили поверить в то, что пистолет не заряжен. Поразительно, какими легковерными могут быть некоторые люди!
Комментарий. В этом упражнении мы встретились с таким явлением, как грамматическое согласование времен. Суть этого феномена сводится к тому, что грамматическое время в придаточном предложении должно согласоваться с грамматическим временем в главном предложении. Рассказывая о своем приятеле, наш герой сказал: