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Введение в теорию и практику перевода (на материале английского языка) - стр. 9

There are several ways of translating such attributive phrases.

1. A preposed attribute may be translated with the help of a corresponding Russian preposed attribute: "a fine day" – "чудесный день", "matrimonial ad" – "брачное объявление".

2. A postpositional attribute may be used in Russian: "always-at-ease-girls" – "девушки, всегда чувствующие себя непринужденно". Often these postpositional attributes are expressed by nouns in the genitive case: "opposition leader" – "лидер оппозиции".

3. A preposed attribute of an English phrase may be expressed in Russian by a postpositional attribute joined to the modified noun by a preposition (usually N + prep + N): "highway robbery" – "грабеж на большой дороге", "youth unemployment" – "безработица среди молодежи".

4. A preposed attribute may be rendered in translation by an apposition: "her millionaire friend" – "ее друг-миллионер".

5. Sometimes one of the components of an English phrase (usually the preposed attribute itself) is best translated descriptively, i.e. by a group of words: "a bargain counter" – "прилавок (отдел) товаров по сниженным ценам".

6. When translating English attributive phrases with preposed attributes it is often advisable or even necessary to rearrange components of the phrase and transfer the attribute to another noun (present in or omitted from the phrase): "free educational institutions" – "бесплатные учебные заведения", though in English the word "free" is connected with "educational" and not with "institutions"; "Parliamentary Labour Party" – "парламентская фракция лейбористской партии" (the word "парламентская" here is an attribute to the noun "фракция" and is introduced into the phrase according to the norms of the Russian language); "the nine Common Market foreign ministers" – "девять министров иностранных дел стран Общего рынка", where two nouns are introduced ("дел" and "стран") to show real semantic connections.

For the purposes of translation an attribute may be transferred to another noun used in the same sentence outside the phrase. E.g. "dismal array of titles" in Mark Twain’s "Running for Governor" should rather be translated as "набор ужасных прозвищ", though in English the adjective "dismal" modifies the noun "array", not "titles".

7. Very often English attributive phrases are translated with the help of Russian adverbial phrases, especially in case of English

"to give a loud whistle" – "громко свистнуть", "to have a good dinner" – "хорошо (вкусно, как следует и т.д.) пообедать", etc.

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