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Снежная королева / The Snow Queen - стр. 6

[17] and lifted little Gerda out. Gerda was glad to be on dry land again, but she was a little afraid. “Come now, and tell me who you are, and how you got here,” said the old woman. When Gerda had told her everything and asked if she had seen little Kay, the woman said he hadn’t passed that way, but he would come, sure enough, and she wasn’t to be worried, but must taste her cherries, and look at her flowers. Then she took Gerda by the hand, and they went into the little house, and the old woman locked the door.

The windows in the house were placed very high up[18], and the glass in them was red and blue and yellow. The daylight shone very oddly through them; but on the table were the most beautiful cherries, and Gerda ate as many as she liked; and while she was eating, the old woman combed her hair with a gold comb.

“I’ve always wanted a sweet little girl like you,” said the old woman, “you’ll see how well we two shall get on[19],” and all the time she was combing little Gerda’s hair Gerda was forgetting more and more about Kay: for the old woman was skilled in witchcraft. She wasn’t a wicked witch, she only used witchcraft a little, for her own pleasure, and she wanted very much to keep little Gerda.

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