Смерть на Ниле / Death on the Nile - стр. 5
‘Go on.’
‘If you’re going to marry the Windlesham man, you’ll understand, perhaps.’
Linnet looked puzzled for a minute, then her face cleared.
‘Jackie, do you mean-?’
‘Yes, darling, I’m engaged!’
‘So that’s it! I thought you were looking particularly alive somehow. You always do, of course, but even more than usual.’
‘That’s just what I feel like.’
‘Tell me all about him.’
‘His name’s Simon Doyle. He’s big and square and incredibly simple and boyish and utterly adorable! He’s poor – got no money. He’s what you call “county” all right – but very impoverished county – a younger son and all that. His people come from Devonshire. He loves the country and country things. And for the last five years he’s been in the City in a stuffy office. And now they’re cutting down and he’s out of a job. Linnet, I shall die if I can’t marry him! I shall die! I shall die! I shall die…!’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, Jackie.’
‘I shall die, I tell you! I’m crazy about him. He’s crazy about me. We can’t live without each other.’
‘Darling, you have got it badly!’
‘I know. It’s awful, isn’t it? This love business gets hold of you and you can’t do anything about it.’
She paused for a minute. Her dark eyes dilated, looked suddenly tragic. She gave a little shiver.
‘It’s – even frightening sometimes! Simon and I were made for each other. I shall never care for anyone else. And you’ve got to help us, Linnet. I heard you’d bought this place and it put an idea into my head. Listen, you’ll have to have a land agent – perhaps two. I want you to give the job to Simon.’
‘Oh!’ Linnet was startled.
Jacqueline rushed on.
‘He’s got all that sort of thing at his fingertips. He knows all about estates – was brought up on one. And he’s got his business training too. Oh, Linnet, you will give him a job, won’t you, for love of me? If he doesn’t make good, sack him. But he will. And we can live in a little house and I shall see lots of you and everything in the garden will be too, too divine.’ She got up. ‘Say you will, Linnet. Say you will. Beautiful Linnet! Tall golden Linnet! My own very special Linnet! Say you will!’
‘You will?’
Linnet burst out laughing.
‘Ridiculous Jackie! Bring along your young man and let me have a look at him and we’ll talk it over.’
Jackie darted at her, kissing her exuberantly.
‘Darling Linnet – you’re a real friend! I knew you were. You wouldn’t let me down – ever. You’re just the loveliest thing in the world. Goodbye.’
‘But, Jackie, you’re staying.’
‘Me? No, I’m not. I’m going back to London and tomorrow I’ll come back and bring Simon and we’ll settle it all up. You’ll adore him. He really is a