Русское воскрешение Мэрилин Монро. На 2 языках - стр. 21
When Rebrov by sheer chance came to Moscow, he could not really believe that one can permanently live in this city and stay normal and happy. When he pocketed his first millions, he immediately moved out of city. However, when the realtor took him to see a newly built house in the “elite” cottage settlement that sprang then around Moscow with mostly corrupt or criminal money, and when he saw these stone mansions with turrets, saw faces of this “elite”, that would soon become his neighbors, he didn't even bother to look what’s inside, and just turned and walked back to his car.
Реалтеру он сказал, чтобы искал ему просто землю где-нибудь в деревне. Тот быстро нашел. Здесь. В этой красивой, на горе, но обветшалой деревне четверо соседних семей мечтали стать москвичами. Ребров купил им за миллион зеленых четыре квартиры в столице, сжег все их избенки, сараюшки, и начал строиться. Строил из онежских елей, толщиной не менее полуметра. Сам рубил сруб, и с большим удовольствием. Нанятые плотники только цокали языками, да качали головами.
He told his realtor better to find him some land in a simple village, where he could build a house of “his dream”. Realtor found in a week this beautiful but crumbling village with four neighboring families dreaming to get out of here and become city dwellers. Rebrov bought them for a million greenbacks four apartments in the capital, burned all their huts, sheds, and started new construction. He built his house of northern fir-trees, almost a yard thick. He hewed house frame himself beaming with pleasure, and the hired carpenters just smiled with amazement and clicked their tongues.
Всю землю он засадил яблонями. Но потом допустил ошибку, которую до сих пор не знал, как исправить. Он всю землю обнес глухим забором из штампованных жестяных листов. Снаружи, приятно и ровно окрашенный, забор смотрелся неплохо. Но изнутри, где было еще все голо, и взгляд всюду упирался в глухую стенку, возникало тоскливое чувство, что ты в «зоне». Ребров не был в лагере, Бог его миловал, но он отсидел три месяца в бутырской предвариловке, дожидаясь суда. Поэтому волю ценить научился.
All of his land Rebrov planted with apple-trees. But then he made a mistake that he didn’t know so far how to set right. He fenced his land with a wall of pressed tin sheets. That was quite widespread way for newly rich to hide away from the peering eyes. Outside, such a brightly painted fence looked good. But inside, one’s look was obstructed everywhere by close and monotonous wall that immediately evoked a disturbing feeling of being confined to some penitentiary. Rebrov never had been in a jail being convicted, with God’s mercy. But he spent three months in