Rahu & Ketu transits - стр. 3
Transiting Ketu over Mercury weakens attention, leading to possible errors in calculations and loss of important documents.
Rahu in conjunction with the natal Venus creates a craving for sensual pleasures, where one may lose a sense of moderation in this sphere. Typically, quality of life improves during this period. There may be opportunities for making expensive purchases and enjoying luxurious vacations. Creative abilities become more pronounced. A new marriage partner may be encountered.
Transiting Ketu over Venus leads to a decline in living standards, reduced comfort, car-related issues, and disappointments in love.
Rahu in conjunction with natal Jupiter generates a strong desire for material gain. During this period, one may receive everything they dreamed of—even things they never dared to wish for. It is crucial to use these opportunities wisely. Following legal and ethical principles, developing spiritually, and studying philosophy and religious history are recommended.
Transiting Ketu over Jupiter brings misfortunes, problems with children, and financial difficulties.
Rahu in conjunction with natal Saturn can lead to an excessive workload, high levels of fatigue, and intensification of inner suffering through various difficulties.
It is recommended to cultivate humility, diligence, and discipline during this period.
Transiting Ketu over Saturn reduces productivity, causes work interruptions, and brings issues with employees.
If one is undergoing the major period (Mahadasha) of Rahu or Ketu, their transits will have an even more significant impact (this applies to other planets as well—the transit of the planet whose period one is experiencing will be especially influential). It is also important to consider the sub-periods (Antardashas) of planets. Everything regarding planetary periods is covered in my book The Art of Jyotish: Secrets Unlocked.
When transiting Rahu and Ketu occupy angular houses in the horoscope, they bring the greatest societal and personal changes (on the Sagittarius-Gemini and Virgo-Pisces axes).
Ketu does not cast aspects—meaning it does not "glance" at other planets—since it has no head and no eyes, as it strives for Moksha (liberation). Rahu aspects the 7th, 5th, and 9th houses from its position.
I have observed that Rahu and Ketu begin exerting influence approximately one month before transitioning into their next signs.
It is also recommended to pay attention to the dispositors of transiting Rahu and Ketu—that is, the planets ruling the houses through which Rahu or Ketu are transiting, as their placement in the natal chart will influence the transit's effects.