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Rahu & Ketu transits - стр. 5

Forecast for the Transit Period of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra, for Those with Ascendent or Moon in Aries

Ketu in Libra will transit your 7th house (spouse, business partners), while Rahu in Aries will transit your 1st house (health, personality, tendencies, appearance).

You will feel a strong drive to move forward, overcome difficulties, and decide on your direction in life.

Rahu in the 1st house focuses attention on oneself and one’s identity. The karmic task during this period is to reevaluate goals, improve status, and strive for popularity and recognition. However, personal relationships may suffer due to a lack of time for them.

It is important not to fear expressing uniqueness, avoid escapism, stay away from intoxicants, develop endurance, improve appearance, take care of health, avoid attachment to a partner, embrace solitude, let go of pride, and avoid excessive self-focus.

Ketu is always associated with Moksha and asceticism. Since Venus, the ruler of Libra, is friendly with Ketu, this placement may indicate connections with foreigners, relocation, ascetic conditions in relationships, distance, or separation.

Rahu in the 1st house directly aspects the 7th house (relationships), the 5th house (romance, children, creativity, education, hobbies), and the 9th house (long-distance travel, higher education, spiritual growth, luck, father, guru, dharma, courts, laws).

Forecast for the Transit Period of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra, for Those with Ascendent or Moon in Taurus

Ketu in Libra will transit your 6th house (debts, enemies, illnesses, hard work), while Rahu in Aries will transit your 12th house (expenses, problems, foreign lands, isolation, meditation, sacrifice, enlightenment, sleep, sex, pilgrimage as work, work with foreigners).

Possible losses, relocation abroad, or pilgrimage may occur. You need to break free from routine, establish connections with foreign countries, and incorporate something new into your business if you have one.

Pay close attention to health, seek medical help when needed, and engage in yoga, breathing practices, and meditation.

There is a risk of financial losses, bad investments, and excessive expenses, so financial matters require special attention.

It is beneficial to study Vedic astrology, Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, other cultures, and foreign languages.

Rahu directly aspects the 7th house from itself (which is your 6th house), as well as the 5th house from itself (which is your 4th house—emotions, happiness, mother, family, real estate, vehicles) and the 9th house from itself (which is your 8th house—unexpected financial gains or events, inheritance, partner’s finances, secrets, esotericism, sexuality).

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