Psychoeconomics: globalization, markets, crisis - стр. 16
Thus, the events of 1929-1939 can function as a source of our knowledge about the behavior of people during a crisis. Roosevelt’s decisions at that moment had not only an economic nature, but also a psychological and even psychiatric character. The crisis itself, the Depression, if we rely upon objective indicators, continued in the U.S. from 1929 through 1939.
In the history of humanity, psychoeconomic crises have arisen and been subdued spontaneously, due to exogenous factors, and this has always been related to stress factors.
Currently there are necessary scientific prerequisites for a more conscious role of regulators in surmounting psychoeconomic crises. The psychotypes of the elite, of the economically and politically active population change cyclically. The psychotypes in the elite and the economically and politically active population that have changed introduce not only other character traits into the system of socioeconomic relationships, they also introduce another system of motivation, value, other needs, another culture. Precisely those behavioral motives that have changed direct the activity of the main participants of the socioeconomic process, the main subjects of economic activity, to attain other values than they would have previously. In a period when the values of the hysteroid type dominate in society, they direct their efforts toward self-affirmation through ownership of new, large and prestigious homes, flashy cars, and trendy things… They savor their prestigious position, the availability of private airplanes, yachts, expensive watches, tennis courts etc. The list is endless. And here’s the important thing. Ownership of stock, playing the market, and bank accounts in unlimited quantities – the more accounts, the more prestigious – now end up on this endless list of the actualized needs of the hysteroids and post-postresonators. Other people somehow pale into insignificance relative to these values. This is a peculiarity of people with hysteroid traits, their need to display their Ego is more pronounced, the “by myself” metaprogram is more manifest. These values combine with less marked organizational capabilities. The need to control an endless list of objects of prestige, but more importantly, the symbols of prestige, owning shares of large companies that are completely unscrupulous about emotionally changing their costs – so that there is plenty to talk about in the ritziest salons – all this forms an endless need for money. And as always in history, this psychotype and all its imitators begin not to gain this money through hard administrative work, but by taking a cut from everyone who will consent. “Clipping” is easier for those who are toward the bottom of the ladder of prestige, of their professional or social position. It is precisely these whose profits are reduced during a period when the post-postresonators are dominant. Social separation grows in the society. And even if the government and regulators, seeing a pre-revolutionary situation, find the means to keep the people from losing their shirts, the money accumulates again by various means, sometimes subtly and shiftily, in the circulation of the values that are dominating in the society. Therefore the degree of social stratification in the society cyclically changes with the rotation of the psychotypes in the elite.