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Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia - стр. 22

In the USA, the cereal yield fell, along with the fall of the cosmic energies (LOD is less than 0.5 ms). It wasn’t observed in the Arab World, which is located in the zone of the lower cosmic ether pressure.

Let’s look at the graph. The period of 1996 – 2016 is related to abrupt changes in the Earth’s rotational velocity, but the range of LOD values was from 2 to 0.5 ms. As soon as LOD decreased to less than 0.5 ms – inverse relations of cereal growth rate in the USA and the Arab World disappeared.

The period, when the inverse relations of cereal gain in the USA and the Arab World disappeared, was the years of cosmic energies redistribution. It was essential. The whole biota on Earth is reformed at these points of time. People are reformed as well. Some of us take to terror, some – to science or art, others set sports records, etc. Everything happens in such a way that it seems that the endocrine profiles of people changed dramatically (in their own ways). Organisms became different at the physiological and psychophysiological levels.

Perhaps, the beginning and the middle of 1990s in general is the period of significant reforming of the whole biota on Earth?

Let’s compare two unique graphs: the graph of the Earth’s rotational velocity, the degree of the atmosphere humidity and the tree rings gain corresponding to the most numerous measurements.

U.P. Demakov Dynamics Factors of the Annual Gain of Tees. http://csfm.marstu.net/presentation/Demakov.pdf; D.V. Tishin Dendroecology (Tree-Ring Analysis Technique). Kazan, Kazan University, 2011. – 33 p.

N.S. Sidorenkov “Impact of the Annual and Monthly Revolution of Earth on the Cyclicality of Weather and Climate Change Atmospheric Processes”, Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia.

The tree-ring gain perfectly coincides with the Earth’s rotational velocity. And their maximum gain coincides with the maximum historical records in weightlifting.

But the most interesting thing is that different clusters of trees grow with the opposite trends in the extent of the rings.

Here is the conclusion of U.P. Demakov’s presentation concerning this issue: “According to the nature of the growth rhythm, all trees can be divided into two different clusters, the positions of which in cenosis in terms of the relative value of the annual ring are diametrically opposed, and occasionally at specific time intervals, they change places with each other”. This also relates to the types of athletes who set records at the maximum and minimum Earth’s rotational velocity.

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