Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia - стр. 21
Chapter 3. From the cereal yield and tree gain to the economic growth rate, depending on the Earth’s rotational velocity
3.1 Cereal yield and the Earth’s rotational velocity (LOD)
According to the results of previous studies, we know that many processes occur with the opposite rhythms and tempos in the countries with the high and low cosmic ether pressure. For example, this is the case of GDP growth rate in the USA and the Arab World. This relates to the way the number of terrorist attacks is connected with the increase (decrease) in the Earth’s rotational velocity in different countries, etc.
Here we deal with complex but same-type relations: the growth of plants, sporting achievements, and GDP growth rate are directly connected with the Earth’s rotational velocity up to a definite period of time, and inverse relations become evident at a certain moment as well. There is a close compliance of the yield gain in different countries in one cosmic period; at the same time the correspondence disappears in another period. Let’s pay attention to the cereal yield increase in the USA and the Arab World. Remember that GDP growth rate in these countries resonate with the Earth’s rotational velocity, but there are correlations with different signs.
Both people and cereal react to changes in the Earth’s rotational velocity with its growth. All countries are classified into those in which people and biota are active, that is, they grow a little better with the growth of the Earth’s rotational velocity, and those in which they grow a little worse. Such a division is typical of most countries.
For greater certainty of this thesis, let’s draw this graph nearer, dividing it into two time slots.
This graph marks the years (1967 – 1974), when the previously observed mathematical harmony between the cereal gain in the USA and the Arab World was gone. These are the years of mass protests. Let’s recall the protests in France in 1968, and throughout the world, in general. Why did students rebel? They behaved abnormally, and the rest of the biota did the same. We are a part of nature. Fast-growing plants responded to changes in the cosmic energies with the cohesive development, yield gain, long-growing ones did it with the width of the rings, nutrient composition, etc. People react to it with their behavior.
Since 1996, the grain yield gain in the USA and the Arab World keeps opposite trends. Does it mean that people, like cereals and plants, have the zone of the best possible Earth’s rotational velocity values for their growth? When they enter this zone, the opposite trends occur. When they leave it – these trends are deformed.