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Прощай, COVID? - стр. 4

Thirdly, as it seems to us, this book is a good example of how should work a conscious attitude toward those forms of inequality that have no place in science and academia. We are talking about gender, ranks, and merits, about the age and differences in academic statuses. Absolute equality is still only a mathematical function, but we tried to get to it as close as was possible.

The collection consists of four sections. Choosing names for them we could not resist the temptation to play a game with the nomen of the virus that hit the world – SARS. To emphasize the inconceivable expressiveness of COVID-19, we used words of Esperanto, not live, not dead, not purely artificial, but not a natural language, the justification for the existence of which could confuse anyone, as well as the justification for the existence of a virus that is too perfect, to be a pure offspring of nature.

The Scio (Knowledge) section contains texts examining the problem of collision with COVID-19 through the prism of epistemology and speculative philosophy. Aŭtonomeco (Autonomy) section presents this clash in the optics of personal ontological, existential and ethical experience. Reagoj (Reactions) – combines texts that interpret in one way or another the reactive nature of this collision, which mixes and redefines the set of maps, ideas, and situations in which we’ve been caught before the pandemic. Societo (Society) section collects texts devoted to social structures (in a broad sense of the word) that have been manifested, actualized, affected, or destroyed by a pandemic.

The usual words of gratitude to the authors and those who helped the birth of this book are not enough. Our idea to gather the “pandemic” series of texts together under one cover received approval and support from everyone we contacted from the very first attempt. The authors – philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists – agreed on very short notice to participate. Foreign colleagues helped with all the difficulties that arise. Expert Institution of Social Researches, Moscow-based think tank, despite the obvious adventurousness of the idea (a book? a philosophical book? in two months? it can’t happen!), provided the necessary funding. Colleagues from the editorial office of the Logos journal and the Gaidar Institute Press, without asking any questions, gave us a comradely shoulder in advance and immediately agreed to be publishers. From the moment of the birth of this crazy idea to the appearance of the book layout, less than a month and a half passed, so it was truly a miracle, by any standards.

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