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Политическая наука №4 / 2017. Субнациональное измерение политики - стр. 35

Golosov G.V. The regional roots of electoral authoritarianism in Russia // Europe-Asia studies. – Glasgow, 2011. – Vol. 63, N 4. – P. 623–639.

Harvey C.J. Changes in the menu of manipulation: Electoral fraud, ballot stuffing, and voter pressure in the 2011 Russian election // Electoral studies. – Oxford, 2016. – Vol. 41, N 106. – P. 105–117.

Jarabinský I. Appearances are deceptive: Credibility of the Russian election commission // East European Politics. – L., 2015. – Vol. 31, N 1. – P. 88–103.

Korgunyuk Yu., Ross C., Shpagin S. Party reforms and the unbalancing of the cleavage structure in Russian regional elections, 2012–2015 // Europe-Asia Studies. – Glasgow, 2017. – (forthcoming).

Kynev A. Russia’s September 14 regional elections: Strengthening the rules and reducing competition against the background of the Ukrainian crisis // Russian analytical digest. – Zurich; Bremen, 2014. – N 156. – P. 2–6. – Mode of access: http://www.css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/ pdfs/Russian_Analytical_Digest_156.pdf (Дата посещения: 08.08.2017.)

Litvinova D. Opposition cornered by authorities in regional election race // The Moscow times. – M., 2015 b. – August 10. – P. 1.

Litvinova D. Russian regions prepare to vote after campaign of tricks, complacency // The Moscow times. – 2015 a. – September 11. – P. 1.

Magaloni B. Voting for autocracy: Hegemonic party survival and its demise in Mexico. – Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2008. – 316 p.

Nechepurenko I. Russia's regional elections marred by pressure on observers fraud // The Moscow times. – 2015. – September 14. – Mode of access: https://themoscowtimes.com/news/russias-regional-elections-marred-by-pressure-on-observers-fraud-49522 (Дата посещения: 08.08.2017.).

Petrov N. Why the Kremlin is still afraid of elections // The Moscow times. – 2012. – 1 October. – Mode of access: https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/why-the-kremlin-is-still-afraid-of-elections-18206 (Дата посещения: 08.08.2017.)

Popova M. Watchdogs or attack dogs? The role of the Russian courts and the central election commission in the resolution of electoral disputes // Europe-Asia studies. – Glasgow, 2006. – Vol. 58, N 3. – P. 391–414.

Report on the long-term observation of the regional and local elections, Russian Federation, 14 September 2014 // Голос за честные выборы; European Platform for Democratic Elections. – Mode of access: http://www.epde.org/tl_files/ EPDE/RESSOURCES/Election%20reports/Russia%20Local%20Elections%202014/Report_Ru2014%20loc-el_EN.pdf (Дата посещения: 20.03.2017.)

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