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Нейропсихолог в реабилитации и образовании - стр. 8

On impairment of word comprehension in various forms of aphasia. Summary

The paper deals with the problem of the mechanisms and patterns of speech comprehension difficulty at the level of isolated words in various forms of aphasia (examined were 6 forms of aphasia according to Luria's classification) . We were interested in the ability to understand nouns and verbs that sounded similarly or denoted related concepts.

The study showed that word comprehension difficulty is a symptom typical to aphasia, as revealed by a worse comprehension of verbs than nouns, and by miscomprehension of words with semantic similarity.

The hypothesis is proposed that different levels of the comprehension process are impaired in various forms of aphasia. For instance, in sensory, acoustic-mnestic, and afferent motor aphasias, word comprehension impairment is caused by difficulty at the level of sound discrimination, that is, acoustic and kinesthetic analysis of sounds at the sensory-motor level. In dynamic, efferent motor, and semantic aphasias, a higher level is disturbed, that of word selection in a semantic field.

О некоторых аспектах изменения личности при афазии

Ж.М. Глозман, А.А. Цыганок

Опубликовано в «Журнале невропатологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова», 1982, № 12, с. 67-72.

Summary. An experimental study of self-estimation of patients with aphasia carried out by the polar profile method in the course of restorative training is described. It is shown that the aphasia causes substantial changes in the patients' self-estimation that manifest themselves in a disparity of the latter during and before the disease. A comparison with a control group of neurological patients without aphasia showed a specificity of the revealed changes for aphasia and their connection with the communication disruption. As the general and verbal communication restore, a positive course of the patients' self-estimation, and approach of the latter to the premorbid level are noted. A relation between the self-estimation shift and the aphasia form was discovered. A conclusion on diagnostic and prognostic importance of personality examination in aphasia is drawn.

При исследовании личности важно выяснить те психологические образования, которые возникают как прямой итог процессов, формирующих человеческую личность, и которые, в свою очередь, определяют то, как человек относится к явлениям окружающего мира, к собственным статусу, ролям, характеру.

Эти психологические образования личности могут претерпевать изменения, как в процессе онтогенеза, так и у уже сформированной личности под влиянием изменений ее социального статуса, систем общественных и личностных взаимодействий [1]. Одной из частых причин подобных изменений является тяжелое заболевание, приводящее к полной или частичной инвалидизации и потере трудоспособности, например, тяжелое заболевание головного мозга (инсульт, травма, опухоль и др.), сопровождающееся нарушением речи.

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