Наземные и морские экосистемы - стр. 10
Internet addresses allow all people who wish to familiarize themselves with preliminary results of these projects. Moreover, the «biological component» is relatively well represented in some projects on social issues. For example, the data on the terrestrial and marine biota is found in «clusters» of the international IPY program: # 21 Environmental change of the Beringian Arctic; # 46 Traditional land use in the Nenets AO (MODIL-NAO); # 151 Network of the social monitoring (PPS Arctic); # 162 Circum-arctic reindeer monitoring (CARMA); # 183 Community resilience and diversity; # 247 Bering sea sub-network (BSSN); # 310 Gas, arctic people and security (GAPS); # 335 Land rights and resources; # 408 Reindeer herders vulnerability (EALAT), etc. Preliminary results of some «social» IPY projects are announced in a special issue of the «Environmental Planning and Management» journal (№№ 3–4, 2008). Members of these projects are among the authors of this volume as well.
The volume starts with review articles covering results of researches conducted by institutions participating in IPY programs and acute issues of studies on arctic ecosystems. The article by G.G. Matishov and D.G. Ishkulov (the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS) demonstrates a multidisciplinary scientific and expeditionary activity of the Institute, which includes comprehensive monitoring of marine ecosystems in the Western Arctic on research vessels, oceanographic and hydrobiological observations on nuclear icebreakers along the Northern Sea Route, on-shore expeditions and stationary surveys. Works of the Zoological Institute (B.I. Sirenko, S. Yu. Gagaev) included studies of the benthic fauna of the Chukchi Sea and waters bounding the Antarctic.
Current views on the resource potential of the marine biota and its sensitivity to anthropogenic impact are based on the theory of large marine ecosystems (LME). Principles of the analysis of LME in the Arctic and a summary data on their current state are presented in the article by G.G. Matishov et al.
I.A. Melnikov and R.M. Gogorev (the Institute of Oceanology RAS, the Botanical Institute RAS) consider current processes in the ecosystem of the sea ice of the central Arctic basin and assess the possibility of its transition to conditions of the seasonal development. An article by A.V. Dolgov et al. presents results of studies of the Kara Sea fish fauna conducted by the Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography.
A long-range transport of pollutants in the atmosphere and river waters takes a special place among sources of anthropogenic impact on both marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the Arctic. An article by