Наземные и морские экосистемы - стр. 12
Articles on ornithology are well represented in this collection what is typical for biogeographical and zoological collections on the research of the Russian Arctic. An article by Yu.V. Krasnov (the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS) summarizes preliminary results of ornithological observations conducted in 2007 on the western coast of the Vaigach Island. M.V. Gavrilo (the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg) presents results of the IPY project devoted to the study of the fauna and population of birds from some high-latitude islands of the Western Arctic. M.G. Golovatin (the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg) gives preliminary results of the analysis of the long-term avifauna dynamics in the north of the Western Siberia. New data on the bird faua of the Gydan peninsula northern part are given in the paper of A.E. Dmitriev (Institute of Geography RAS) and V.S. Zhukov (Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk). The latest data on the dynamics of habitat, abundance and species diversity of the arctic sandpiper is presented in the fundamental work by P.S. Tomkovich (the Zoological Museum of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity, Moscow), E.G. Lappo (the Institute of Geography RAS) and E.E. Syroechkovsky-Jr. (the Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS).
An article by V.K. Zhirov and O.B. Gontar (the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Kirovsk, Murmansk region) is devoted to plant adaptation to conditions of high latitudes. It presents the original principles of classification of introduced plants, which is important for understanding of processes of the climatic change impact on the flora and vegetation of the Arctic. A team under the leadership of D.A. Gilichinsky from Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS, Institute of Geography RAS and the Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS summarized initial results of studies on microbial communities and protistofauna from permafrost soils in Russia.
We are optimistic about soon appearance of new monographic publications based on the results of studies of terrestrial and marine ecosystems within the Third IPY projects. This book is just the beginning. One may express sincere gratitude to Yu.I. Ivakina, I.S. Yantarova and A.V. Dyakonova (MMBI) for assistance in preparing materials for publishing.
Академик Г.Г. Матишов, Д.Г. Ишкулов
Экспедиционные исследования Мурманского морского биологического института КНЦ РАН, проведенные в рамках Международного полярного года 2007/08