Легкое чтение на английском языке. В. Скотт. Айвенго / Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe - стр. 34
) when they saw how well the Disinherited Knight had done (когда они увидели, как хорошо держался рыцарь Лишенный наследства; to do well – процветать, преуспевать; хорошо идти /о делах и т. п./), but when the knights took their places again (но когда рыцари заняли свои места снова), there was a deep silence from the galleries (/наступила/ полная тишина на галереях; deep – глубокий; выражает высшую степень), as if the crowd was afraid to breathe (словно толпа боялась перевести дыхание; to breathe – дышать; переводить дух).
servant [‘sǝ:v(ǝ)nt], silence [‘saɪlǝns], breathe [bri:ð]
Both of their lances broke at once, and the knights were given time to get new lances from their servants. The audience shouted wildly when they saw how well the Disinherited Knight had done, but when the knights took their places again, there was a deep silence from the galleries, as if the crowd was afraid to breathe.
This time, the Templar hit the centre of the Disinherited Knight’s shield (на этот раз храмовник ударил в центр щита рыцаря Лишенного наследства), and he would have won the fight (и он выиграл бы поединок; to win) if his own stirrup hadn’t broken (если бы его /собственное/ стремя не порвалось; stirrup – стремя; to break – ломать, разбивать /на части/ разрушать; разрывать). Instead, he was thrown off his horse (вместо этого он сам был сброшен со /своего/ коня), and he fell onto the ground (и он упал на землю; to fall). Angrily, he drew his sword (гневно/яростно он вытащил свой меч; to draw – тащить, волочить; тянуть) and waved it at the Disinherited Knight (и замахнулся им на рыцаря Лишенного наследства), who jumped off his horse (который спрыгнул со своего коня) with his sword already in his hand (со своим мечом /уже/ в /своей/ руке).
centre [‘sentǝ], stirrup [‘stɪrǝp], ground [ɡraʋnd]
This time, the Templar hit the centre of the Disinherited Knight’s shield, and he would have won the fight if his own stirrup hadn’t broken. Instead, he was thrown off his horse, and he fell onto the ground. Angrily, he drew his sword and waved it at the Disinherited Knight, who jumped off his horse with his sword already in his hand.
They were stopped by two heralds (они были остановлены двумя герольдами) who reminded them (которые напомнили им; to remind – напоминать, походить; напоминать, делать напоминание) that the rules did not allow sword-fighting (что правила не позволяли драться на мечах; sword – меч; fighting – бой, сражение).
“We shall meet again (мы встретимся снова) where there is no one to separate us