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Измененные состояния сознания. Хрестоматия - стр. 43

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54 Meltzer M. Solitary confinement // Factors used to increase the susceptibility of individuals to forceful indoctrination. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Symposium No. 3, 1956.

55 Mendelson J. et al. Hallucinations of poliomyelitis patients during treatment in a respirator // J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1958. V. 126. P. 421–428.

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58 Moseley A. Hypnogogic hallucinations in relation to accidents, abstr. // Amer. Psychol. 1953.

59 Murphy J. Psychotherapeutic aspects of shamanism on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska // Magic, faith, and healing / Ed. by A. Kiev. N. Y., 1964. P. 53–83.

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61 Orne M. On the social psychology of the psychological experiment: with particular reference to demand characteristics and their implications // Amer psychol. 1962. V. 17. P. 776–783.

62 Pahnke W. The contribution of the psychology of religion to the therapeutic use of the psychedelic substances // The Use of LSD in psychotherapy and alcoholism. Indianapolis, 1967. P. 628–652.

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64 Ravenscroft K. Voodoo possession: a natural experiment in hypnosis // Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hyp. 1965. V. 13. P. 157–182.

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