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Измененные состояния сознания. Хрестоматия - стр. 42

17 Dodds E. The Greeks and the irrational. Berkeley, Calif., 1963.

18 Ebin D. (Ed.). The drug experience. N. Y., 1961.

19 Field M. Search for security: an ethnopsychiatric study of rural Ghana. Evanston, Ill., 1960.

20 Freeman T. Some comments on views underlying the use of ether and carbon-dioxide in psychotherapy // Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 1952. V. 25. P. 148–156.

21 Galvin J., Ludwig A. A case of witchcraf t // J. Ner v. Ment. Dis. 1961. V. 133. P. 161–168.

22 Gibson W. The boat. Boston, 1953.

23 Gill M., Brenman M. Hypnosis and related states: psychoanalytic studies in regression. N. Y., 1959.

24 Hebb D. The motivating effects of exteroceptive stimulation // Amer. Psychol. 1958. V. 13. P. 109–113.

25 Heron W. The pathology of boredom // Sci. Amer. 1957. V. 196. P. 52–56.

26 Heron W. Cognitive and physiological effects of perceptual isolation // Sensory deprivation: a symposium / Ed. by P. Solomon. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.

27 Hinkle L. The physiological state of the interrogation subject as it affects brain function // The manipulation of human behavior / Ed. by A. Biderman, H. Zimmer. N. Y., 1961. P. 19–50.

28 Huxley A. The doors of perception. N. Y., 1954.

29 James W. Collected essays and reviews. N. Y., 1920. P. 500–513.

30 James W. Outline of psychology. N. Y., 1950.

31 Jones E. On the nightmare. N. Y., 1959.

32 Katz S., Landis C. Psychologic and physiologic phenomena during a prolonged vigil // Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. 1935. V. 34. P. 307–316.

33 Kirkpatrick C. Religion in human affairs. N. Y., 1929.

34 Koestler A. The act of creation. N. Y., 1964.

35 Kris E. Psychoanalytic explorations in art. N. Y., 1952.

36 Kubie L. The value of induced dissociated states in the therapeutic process // Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 1945. V. 38. P. 681–683.

37 Kubie L., Margolin S. The process of hypnotism and the nature of hypnotic state // Amer. J. Psychiat. 1944. V. 100. P. 611–622.

38 LaBarre W. They shall take up serpents. Minneapolis, 1962.

39 LaBarre W. The peyote cult. Hamden, Conn., 1964.

40 Leiderman H. et al. Sensory deprivation: clinical aspects // Arch. Intern. Med. 1958. V. 101. P. 389–396.

41 Levine J., Ludwig A. Alterations in consciousness produced by combinations of LSD, hypnosis and psychotherapy // Psychopharm. 1965. V. 7. P. 123–217.

42 Levine J., Ludwig A. The hypnodelic treatment technique // Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hyp. 1966. V. 14. P. 207–215.

43 Levine J., Ludwig A., Lyle W. The controlled psychedelic state // Amer. J. Clin. Hyp. 1963. V. 6. P. 163–164.

44 Lilly J. Discussion // Illustrative strategies on psychopathology in mental health. G. A. P. Symposium No. 2, 1956. P. 13–22.

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