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Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - стр. 17

Credit: GFZ/Credit: Mandea et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1207346109

The relationship between the gravitational and magnetic fields is expressed mathematically and reflected graphically.

Intensity of the geomagnetic field is marked with red, the gravitational one – with blue.

These fields are related to the Earth's rotational velocity, too.

Magnetic field changes first, and then, with a one-year lag, the Earth's rotational velocity changes, too.

For the individual Earth regions correlations have been discovered between the values of magnetic and gravitational fields.

Correlation between the GRACE-A (A) or GRACE-B (B) gravity anomaly series and the secular acceleration of the vertical downward geomagnetic field component. Black solid lines delimit areas where the variance of the GRACE-B models changes by the indicated values as compared to the GRACE-A. The open 10% contour line is drawn only around the LAB area. All correlation values that are not significant at the 95% level have been set to zero (white blocks).

Every place on Earth has its own ratio between the values of magnetic and gravitational fields.

The dynamics of change of gravitational and magnetic fields coincides with the change of the Earth's rotational velocity.

Herewith, for a more complete match of the graphs, the magnetic field should be shifted by 1 year back. That is, the Earth's magnetic field changes first, then, in a year, gravitational field changes too in similar proportions. Gravitational field coincides by dynamics and by time with the change of the Earth's rotational velocity.

We took the most contrasting images of the Earth's magnetic field from the video that was uploaded to the Internet by project participants of satellite monitoring of the Earth's gravitational and magnetic field, and combined them with the Earth's rotational velocity. They coincided with minimum and maximum LOD values. Data step equals a month here.

One more example:

Also, match of bifurcation points in the change of the Earth's rotational velocity and maximally contrasting values of magnetic and gravitational fields.

But there is the risk that the author unconsciously chooses those fragments of the video, which are in favor of the pattern being proven. Therefore, let us take the image that the authors themselves selected for publication. There is not only the year and the month, but also the day when these data were obtained. We will also provide a graph of the Earth's rotational velocity with the data on a single day scale.

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