Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - стр. 19
Look at the image of magnetic field intensity of the 80s of the last century and at the similar image of 2014: the main clusters of the Earth's magnetic field intensity are preserved. It is quite stable on a scale of decades.
On a scale of years, decades and days the most contrasting magnetic field values are associated with the days of the change in the acceleration sign of the Earth's rotational velocity. For people, these are the days of bifurcation in decision-making (in financial markets, in politics, etc.), of changes in EEG configuration, etc.
The change of the Earth's magnetic fields resonates with the change of its axial rotational velocity. Both are quite time-stable.
2.3 On the relationship between the tree ring width on Earth and the gravitational and magnetic fields
Russian scientists conducted the mass measurement of ring width among trees during the period when the maps of electromagnetic and gravitational fields were obtained. According to the results of mathematical analysis, the tree groups were distinguished for 4 relatively homogeneous regions.
Let us provide a graph of variation of tree ring width for each allocated region.
Let us compare the allocated regions with the maps of magnetic and gravitational fields.
Statistical, mathematical methods show that the distinguished blocks of trees grew in different gravitational and magnetic fields. Might it be the reason for the difference in growth among them?
Yes, gravitational and magnetic fields are constantly changing. And it is hard to say that during the period of tree growth their configuration was similar. Therefore, the conclusion in this regard will be careful: the hypothesis of a relationship between the magnetic and gravitational field intensity on Earth and the growth of trees has the right to exist. The available scientific data in this regard are encouraging.
The relationship between magnetic and gravitational fields has become generally recognized, it is visualized. This is the result of the work of the European Space Agency satellites in orbit. These are experimental data.
But, in the past century, these ideas were theoretically justified and experimentally estimated by our outstanding scientist Dyatlov Vladimir Lukich (Polarization model of non-uniform physical vacuum. The Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (SB AS), 1998). And he was supported by the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian campus. Its leaders, its team were not afraid to protect V.L. Dyatlov by their authority under conditions close to persecution of the authors that express such ideas.