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Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - стр. 15

2.1.2 Types of people depending on the Earth's rotational velocity

There are two types of people – those who develop better at the growing Earth's rotational velocity and those who develop better at its decline. These types of people are studied in separate editions (Economic crisis: who is to blame and what to do, Psycho-economics, etc.).

In its extreme form, this is the division to humans and non-humans. The majority of terrorists are non-humans, but more so are their ideologists. But humans and non-humans have different activity levels at different Earth's rotational velocities. This is the fundamental division of people to types. In some countries, terrorists are more active at the minimum Earth's rotational velocity, in the others – at the maximum rotational velocity. That is, the points of change of acceleration sign of the Earth's rotational velocity are the bifurcation points of manifestation of types 1/1 and 5/5.

Let us be objective and note that, according to the graph above, the dependency of the terrorist acts committed in Russia on the Earth's rotational velocity is higher than on characteristics of the solar magnetic field. However, probabilistic processes are better manifested at large scales.

What is the situation around the world?

The inverse relationship.

Accordingly, there is the inverse relationship of the solar magnetic field not only with the yield of grain, but also with the growth of trees and with the activity of terrorists from various regions of the world. And there are countries, nations, whose representatives, like different tree clusters, react oppositely, in different ways, to the increase and decrease of the Earth's rotational velocity and magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun.

In Russia, the relationship of these phenomena with both the Earth's rotational velocity and with the change of solar magnetic fields is more pronounced. The peaks of terrorist acts in Russia coincided with the spikes of the growing intensity of the southern magnetic pole of the Sun.

It is clear that people and biota react differently to the cosmic energies of the opposite sign. But what is better for Russia? According to the number of terrorist acts, it is already clear: it is better when the northern pole on the Sun is positively charged and when the Earth's rotational velocity slows down.

And what about the other cases?

It is similar for athletes: it is better when the northern pole of the Sun has a positive charge, when the difference between the intensities of the southern and northern magnetic poles is great and when we are at point 5 of the change of the Earth's rotational velocity. Any first-grader may add: and when Russia is headed by appropriate people. Specialists will specify: when the elite is adequate to its people.

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