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Английский язык для юристов. Предпринимательское право - стр. 10

7. What makes the contract illegal?

8. Can quasi-contract be called a contract in the true sense of the word?

9. What is the contract of record?

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

Явно выраженный договор; подразумеваемый договор; лицо, по отношению к которому принято обязательство; кредитор по обязательству; лицо, принявшее на себя обязательство; должник по обязательству, дебитор; кредитор по договору; должник по договору; договор, не могущий быть принудительно осуществленным в исковом порядке; оспоримая сделка; ничтожная сделка.

Exercise 3. Consult recommended dictionaries and give words or phrases to the following definitions:

Возмездный договор; безвозмездный договор; публичный договор; предварительный договор; договор в пользу третьего лица; толкование договора; простая письменная форма договора.

Exercise 4. Be ready to talk on one of the following topics:

1. Identify the six elements of a contract.

2. Distinguish contracts from other agreements made between different parties.

3. Explain the nature of valid, void, voidable, and unenforceable contracts.

4. Contrast unilateral and bilateral contractual arrangements.

5. Outline the difference between express and implied contracts.

6. Contrast the nature of a formal contract with that of an informal contract.

7. Explain how executory contracts differ from executed contracts.

Exercise 5. Make up your own dialog on the case: In Kunian v. Development Corp. of America, the seller of plumbing and heating materials entered into an installment contract with the buyer. Several months later the buyer was $38,000 behind in payments for installments of goods delivered. After the seller demanded assurance of performance from the buyer, the buyer promised that he would pay the outstanding indebtedness if the seller would continue his performance. When a month passed and the buyer had made no further payments, the seller informed the buyer that no further deliveries would be made unless the buyer deposited in escrow a sufficient amount of cash to pay for the delivered goods. The court held that the seller had «reasonable ground for insecurity» and that his suspension of performance was justified.

Exercise 6. Resume in industry buzz:

Types of Ks

1. Express or Implied a. Express is statemts of mutual assent; willingness to enter into a K

b. Implied is no statements; conduct

2. Bilateral, Unilateral or Code a. Code is sale of goods & no bi/uni distinction b. Bilateral formed w/mutual promises of parties, perf. of both fully executory c. Unilateral promise 1 side & fully executed perf. the other (K no formed until fully executed 1 side)

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