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Английский разговорный шутя. 100 анекдотов на все случаи жизни - стр. 26

1. A man and his wife are visiting the local zoo.

2. He pounds his chest with his free hand.

3. The pretty lady in the pink dress obviously excited the gorilla.

4. The noises would wake the dead.

5. Gorilla is tearing the bars down.

6. She has lifted her dress up her thighs.

7. This drives the poor gorilla absolutely crazy.

8. The husband grabs his wife and flings her in with the gorilla.

9. Render the joke.

Section 14

Before you get married

«Honey,» said a husband to his wife, «I invited a friend home for supper.» «What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!» «I know all that.»

«Then why did you invite a friend for supper?» «Because the poor fool is thinking about getting married.»

Study the words and expressions given below:

a mess беспорядок, состояние беспорядка

fancy фантазия, воображение

meal еда, прием пищи

a fancy meal праздничный обед

fool дурак

I don't feel like cooking я не в настроении готовить еду

Exercises to the text

1. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Who did the husbund invite for supper?

2. What does the wife think about their house?

3. What meal is she supposed to cook for her husband's friend?

4. What will happen when the friend comes to their home?

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

1. A husband said _______ his wife, «I invited a friend home for supper.»

2. Are you _______?

3. The house is a _______.

4. All the dishes are _______.

5. I don't feel like _______ a fancy meal.

6. Why did you invite a friend _______ supper?

7. The poor fool is thinking about _______ married.

3. Match the two parts of the sentences:

4. Match the words and expressions in the left column to those in the right one:

5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Я пригласил друга домой на ужин.

2. Ты сошел с ума?

3. Я не ходила в магазин.

4. Мне не хочется готовить праздничный стол.

5. Бедный дурак думает о том, чтобы жениться.

Revise English Grammar

В предложениях I didn't go shopping… I don't feel like cooking… The poor fool is thinking about getting married… используется так называемая – ing-овая форма английского глагола, которая в зависимости от места в предложении является либо причастием (причастием 1), либо герундием и, соответственно, подчиняется разным правилам употребления.

Проверьте свои знания этих форм, при необходимости справляясь в грамматическом комментарии (раздел 17).

6. Translate from Russian into English using the words in brackets:

1. Вместо того (Instead of, to go to the restaurant) чтобы пойти с другом в ресторан, он пригласил его домой на ужин.

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