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Английский для смелых. Истории о духах и привидениях / Great Ghost Stories - стр. 41

(слой, накопившийся, по-видимому, за /многие/ годы; accumulation – накопление). My attention being thus drawn to the condition of the coach (когда я обратил таким образом внимание на состояние дилижанса; to draw attention – привлекать внимание), I examined it more narrowly (я осмотрел его тщательнее; narrowly – тесно, узко; тщательно; narrow – узкий), and saw by the uncertain light of the outer lamps that it was in the last stage of dilapidation (и в неверном свете наружных фонарей увидел, что он был в последней стадии обветшания). Every part of it was not only out of repair (каждая деталь его была не только не в порядке; repair – ремонт; починка; out of repair – в неисправном состоянии), but in a condition of decay (но и находилась в полуразвалившемся состоянии; decay – обветшание, разрушение). The sashes splintered at a touch (окна разлетались от прикосновения; splinter – лучина; щепка). The leather fittings were crusted over with mould (кожаные детали были покрыты коркой плесени; fitting – пригонка, прилаживание, подгонка /о деталях оборудования/; fittings – гарнитура; арматура; crust – корка), and literally rotting from the woodwork (и буквально отгнили от деревянных частей). The floor was almost breaking away beneath my feet (пол чуть ли не разваливался у меня под ногами). The whole machine, in short, was foul with damp (весь экипаж, короче говоря, разваливался от сырости; machine – машина, механизм; транспортное средство; foul – разложившийся, испорченный), and had evidently been dragged from some outhouse (и был вытащен, по-видимому, из какого-то неотапливаемого сарая; outhouse – надворная хозяйственная постройка) in which it had been mouldering away for years (в котором он прогнивал годами), to do another day or two of duty on the road (чтобы еще день-другой прослужить на дороге; duty – долг, служебные обязанности; to do one’s duties – выполнять свои обязанности).

 I repeated the question somewhat more loudly, but with the same result. Then I lost patience, and let the sash down. As I did so the leather strap broke in my hand, and I observed that the glass was covered with a thick coat of mildew, the accumulation, apparently, of years. My attention being thus drawn to the condition of the coach, I examined it more narrowly, and saw by the uncertain light of the outer lamps that it was in the last stage of dilapidation. Every part of it was not only out of repair, but in a condition of decay. The sashes splintered at a touch. The leather fittings were crusted over with mould, and literally rotting from the woodwork. The floor was almost breaking away beneath my feet. The whole machine, in short, was foul with damp, and had evidently been dragged from some outhouse in which it had been mouldering away for years, to do another day or two of duty on the road.

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